Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Our greatest Presidents all had the same six qualities!

Robert Dahlek is an American historian who is considered an expert on American Presidents.  Before retiring, he most recently taught at Boston University, and earlier served at Columbia University, UCLA, and Oxford.  He has won the Bancroft Prize and numerous other awards for his scholarship and teaching.

In a series of lectures on the Presidents of the 20th Century, Mr. Dahlek identified which were the most effective Presidents, and the impact they had on the Office of the President itself.  He found six qualities that these Presidents all brought to the job.  While each President faced unique challenges while in office, the same qualities emerged and were visible in each.

At the top of the list and considered most important of the qualities was vision.  Having a sense of direction and knowing what future success looks like.  All of these Presidents were charismatic.  They often had different styles of communication, but they were able to easily connect with the people they lead.  When it came to getting work done and finding a way to move forward they were pragmatic, not dogmatic.  They knew how to get results while keeping the vision in view.  Using their charismatic and pragmatic qualities, they could build a consensus.   In the people they lead, they evoked or created a sense of trust and credibility.  People saw these things in them because they were in fact trustworthy and credible.  The last quality they all seemed to possess was luck.  This could be seen as a “flip of the coin” which they won from one point of view, but it’s easy to wonder if they didn’t create their own luck.

Judge for yourself.

Think of a President who you think was the greatest in your opinion.  It doesn’t matter from what party or when they served.  Just think of your personal choice and also think about how many of the above six qualities they seemed to possess.  Only you will know, but I’d guess that the President you think most highly of had all six.

Now think about candidates Obama and Romney.  At this point in time, how would you grade them on these six qualities?  Write it down.  Then check back every week with the list and re-grade them based on what they’ve said or done in the campaign that week.

Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney you need to grade yourselves too.  No, don’t grade the other guy.  We’ll do that.

At this point in time, I would suggest that both of you are lacking with the first quality.  Start there.  What is your vision of success for America twenty five years from now?  Please forget the issues and go back to creating a vision.  Remember, issues will always divide and visions always unite.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2012 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy Flag Day Everyone!

This morning I was reading some news accounts and predications about speeches that candidates Obama and Romney are giving in Ohio.  All of the “political predictors of the future” are guessing about what each may say.  While I’m hopeful, I have doubts that either will talk about something that is close to a vision for success.  Tomorrow, if I’m wrong and there is something exciting to write about, I certainly will.

Today, I’d like to write about our most precious right.  The right to vote.  Especially, since it’s Flag Day, and I feel patriotic.

Actually, I don’t have much to write, but I do have some questions for us to think about.

Voting Alert Beacon #4

  • There are so many polls taken during the election season.  What if everyone refused to participate?  What if we told the pollsters it was none of the business (See Voting Alert Beacon #7)?
  • How would the candidates create their positions?
  • How would the candidates create the negative marketing ads?
  • Would this new kind of “blindness” caused by the lack of polling information cause them to look inward to their own personal beliefs and visions?
  • Would they then have to talk to us about where THEY think we should go, and where they want to lead us?

Voting Alert Beacon #6

  • What if everyone voted, literally?
  • Doesn’t it make sense that increased numbers of citizens voting would help us make better choices as a country?  Do you ever wonder about all the people who don’t vote regularly because they’re just discouraged, and how many of them are really creative and smart?  What if we had that valuable input?
  • Some people would like to vote, but they don’t have a way to the polls.  You know, no car or they’re physically handicapped.  Why can’t all of us who are blessed just make sure everyone in sight has a way to the polling places to vote?
  • If voting is so important to a democracy, why don’t we get citations or tickets when you don’t?  We can get a ticket for speeding, right?  Of course, because we are a free people, we have a right NOT to vote, don’t we?  No, let’s not mess with that.

Voting Alert Beacon #7

  • What would be the effect on candidates and the “race for office” if no one knew how we voters were going to vote?  Really, what if they had no idea?
  • Would the value of our individual votes go up?
  • Would candidates spend as much time criticizing their opponents?
  • Or, would they talk more about what they want to accomplish and why we should vote for them?
  • Oh, what about the special interests?  What if the unions, the professional associations, and lobbying groups we belonged to had no idea how we were going to vote?  Many of these special interest groups give voice to important concerns, but do they have a right to knowledge about how we will vote?
  • Come to think about it, does anybody or anything have a right to influencing, controlling or knowing about our vote? 

What if everyone who is eligible to vote cast a vote, and what if they were all cast in total secrecy?  Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?

Hey, sorry for all the questions!  I was just practicing how to be a thinking voter!

Again, Happy Flag Day!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2012 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Candidates Obama and Romney, PLEASE CHANGE YOUR TUNE!

This post is dedicated to VOTING ALERT BEACON #3: LISTEN / IGNORE

Instead of criticizing each other, calling each other names, and effectively bullying each other in the name of becoming President of the United States, it’s time for both of you to turn away from each other and face the voters.  Talk to us!  Remember, we have the votes you want.

Last Friday, Candidate Obama made a speech on the economy in which he said something about the private sector doing pretty good.  Of course, Candidate Romney jumped on that like he had found a vein of gold and his inauguration for the Presidency was going to be next week.  Really, Mr. Romney, you didn’t give us all the context and the things you said were not very nice.

Yesterday, on Tuesday, Mr. Obama commented in a speech that Mr. Romney had learned entirely the wrong lessons from a successful career in business spanning 25 years.  He went to say how flawed he thinks Mr. Romney’s economic ideas are.  There was a tone of ridicule.

In the past week, I’ve read several articles questioning whether both candidates have lost touch with reality, and whether they are able to connect with the voters.  Think about it.  We have two individuals who want our votes, but spend their time yelling at each other.  At a time when we need new ideas about how to move into the future, we have two individuals who stubbornly insist on looking backward and blaming each other for history.


Oh, one more thing.  I am dead sick and tired of spending time in a school classroom all day, or volunteering my time in youth development, where we constantly teach our children and future leaders how to talk to each other.  We work hard at helping them understand how rotten bullying is, and that it isn’t acceptable.  I think we’re making a lot of progress with the kids.  Then I come home and find you two guys acting like bullies on the national news in the name of becoming President of the United States.  PLEASE KNOCK IT OFF!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2012 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

We argue too much about where we are, and whose fault it is.  We need to first decide where we wish to go, and then create a vision or plan for how to get there.

President Obama and Mr. Romney, what are your visions of success for America 25 years from now?  Instead of your positions on the issues, please tell us what your visions are.  Do you have visions of success?  

Ok, let me begin with the Voting Alert Beacons vision as an example.  

“By the Presidential election of 2016, and continuing thereafter, reach a 95% voter turnout thereby realizing the genius of our combined American intelligence, and giving rise to a new higher standard of civil service and servant leadership.  Without negative campaigning, and the influence of money and polls, elections will become events of national renewal.  Let us strike the bell beginning a new period of enlightenment in the American democracy that will ring for millennia to come.  We can renew and fulfill the original American Dream, the right to vote, for all her citizens, and once again let America shine as a beacon for the world.”

The day after the 2016 election, the media will report the following:
  • 95% of eligible voters cast ballots
  • All candidates for President created visions and offered them to America
  • For the first time in American memory, the new President leads with a vision of success that looks 25 years into the future
  • The new President was elected by 75% of the votes cast giving their vision a mandate

How do the individual Voting Alert Beacons support the vision so that the story told above can be realized?  All of the Beacons are tied to each other.  Think of them as a sport team where each team member plays an important part.  All the Beacons play critical parts in reaching the vision of success that will be reported by the media the day after the 2016 election.  

Nothing changes until we do something and take action.  Our most important action is to always vote (Beacon #6).  Always voting is the most important responsibility a citizen has in a democracy (Beacon #2).  It is a personal right and responsibility (Beacons #1 and #2).  The genius of America’s collective energy emerges when we cast our votes in secret (Beacon #7).  Our votes are further strengthened when we don’t express our opinions through polls.  Our opinions should be focused and only offered through our votes (Beacon #4).  We can also use our votes to minimize special interest influence and corruption by voting only for candidates that accept contributions from individual voters in relatively small amounts (Beacon #5).  In the end, our most important right is strengthened and preserved when we use it effectively (Beacon #1).

Follow the Voting Alert Beacons!

In future posts, 
President Obama’s and Mr. Romney’s visions for America.

Remember, America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2012 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Today I checked several of the news websites to see what issues and important things are being reported on in the Presidential election campaign.

Here’s the list::
  • Proposed “Buffett Rule” for taxing the wealthy
  • Various tax code changes
  • Possibly eliminating the Department of Education and Department of Housing and Urban Development
  • The move into high gear of campaign fundraising
  • The fight over the female vote
  • Searching for a Vice-President candidate by both parties
  • The harsh attacks that Mr. Romney and President Obama are already trading
  • The Romney dog Seamus riding on the car rooftop 

This list contains items that range from important to childlike to ridiculous.  

Nonetheless, it is still an important list because of what it doesn’t contain.  We have no idea what the “vision(s)” are of which the items are a part and should support.  Each item should fit into a “Vision of Success” for America, or it shouldn’t be a topic of discussion.  Without the vision or big picture, it is impossible to know how to feel about any of the issues, and then which candidate to vote for.

Ok, what is a “vision of success” and why do we need it?

Let’s start with an example.  One of the most often cited and thought about visions is President John Kennedy’s vision and challenge to America that it would land a person on the moon and return them safely by the end of the decade.

Here’s his language.

“We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy - but because they are hard! Because that challenge is one we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone and one we intend to win!”  …  John F. Kennedy - Rice University speech on September 12, 1962

So, that’s an example of a vision of success.  It reached for a high achievement and inspired a nation.  As a result, the vision was fulfilled and America landed a man on the moon in 1969.  How did that happen?

In concept, it is fairly simple.  The vision transformed America by providing a picture of what could be.  It was a catalyst that focused the attention of everyone on the goal of landing on the moon.  With that focus it also brought alignment across many organizations and individuals.  With the alignment great amounts of energy was unleashed toward attainment of the goal.  Everyone “pulled the rope” the same direction.  The historical ability of America to rise to meet great challenges was called upon.  In the end, all of the elements were united by the clear and compelling vision of the moon land.  A vision which has played over countless times in the image of Neil Armstrong descending the ladder and first stepping on the surface.

Call to Candidates

We want to know what your vision of success is for America and why you think it’s the right vision.  We aren’t interested in your view of the other candidate’s vision.  That’s our job.  Please put all of your energy into developing your vision of success and then tell us what it is.  

Voting Alert Beacons Vision

I’ll go first.  In my next post, I’ll offer a vision of success for the Voting Alert Beacons.

In future posts, 

  1. I will discuss a range of things to consider as each of us thinks about who to vote for next November.  I’ll do my best to give comment and examples on how to apply the Voting Alert Beacons to the back and forth discussion between the candidates.  
  2. I look forward to offering a few new ideas and items like a practical definition of what exactly a “vision of success” is, and how to compare several visions for their possibilities.  
  3. Let’s talk about leadership in terms of vision, passion, and values. 
  4.  I will also offer a job description for the Presidency of the United States so that we have at least a basic standard for knowing if a candidate is qualified, along with their strong points and weak points.

Throughout, I hope to do my best to get the candidates to talk to us as voters instead of arguing with each other.  It is my hope that the candidates will respond and focus less on defeating each other, and more on giving us reasons to vote for them.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2012 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.

Monday, April 09, 2012

Will someone with a VISION OF SUCCESS for America please run for President!

Last week after the Tuesday Republican primaries in Maryland, Wisconsin and Washington DC, the press, the commentators, and President Obama started to focus on Mitt Romney as the presumptive Republican candidate for President.  Some deference is still being paid to Ron Paul, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich, but there has definitely been a shift in the “wind.”  Yesterday (Sunday), Newt Gingrich on FoxNEWS Sunday admitted that Mitt Romney is the likely Republican candidate.

It seems the “race” is on!  Last week as Mitt Romney and President Obama began to test the feel of a two man race, you would think that each would seize the moment to talk about why he is the best servant leader for these times in America.  Each could tell us what their vision of success is, and where it will take us as a country.

Sadly, but not unexpectedly, both Mitt Romney and President Obama are spending much of their time discussing why the other candidate shouldn’t be President.  It would be better for America, and more helpful to each of their campaigns, if they would focus on what he offering as a vision of success.   For now, remember to apply Voting Alert Beacon #3 as the candidates campaign.

Let’s see if we voters can get them to do that.  In my next post I will offer some thoughts on what a “vision of success” is.

In future posts, I will discuss a range of things to consider as each of us thinks about who to vote for next November.  I’ll do my best to give comment and examples on how to apply the Voting Alert Beacons to the back and forth discussion between the candidates.  I look forward to offering a few new ideas and items like a practical definition of what exactly a “vision of success” is, and how to compare several visions for their possibilities.  I will also offer a job description for the Presidency of the United States so that we have at least a basic standard for knowing if a candidate is qualified, along with their strong points and weak points.

Throughout, I hope to do my best to get the candidates to talk to us as voters instead of arguing with each other.  It is my hope that the candidates will respond and focus less on defeating each other, and more on giving us reasons to vote for them.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2012 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Voting Alert Beacon #5 is about eliminating the negative effects of campaign money.  What has not been possible through any other means, voters can do with their vote. 

Over the years Congress has attempted many times to control the collection and spending of campaign funds.  In each case, the laws have generally been found unconstitutional by The U.S. Supreme Court under the FREE SPEECH provisions of the Constitution.  With a little information, and our votes, we citizens can easily straighten this out.

First, we need the information.  The information below is gathered from the Federal Election Commission website.  There is a link on the right side of this blog.  Using the website, it is very easy to find campaign funding information on any candidate.  All voters need to become familiar with where to find, and how to use, this information for both the federal and state candidates.

To get you started, I’ve collected information for each of the Republican candidates now running in the primary season, plus the information for President Barak Obama.  See the table below.

All other (PACs, etc.)

$200 and Under
$200.01 - $499

$500 - $999
$1000 and Over
Grand Total
[Source:  Federal Election Commission, March 29, 2012 at 2:30pm]

What do the colors mean?  Think of the color scheme like a set of traffic lights at an intersection.  Green is good, yellow is caution, and red is stop.  If all of the candidate contributions were coming only from “green” sources or individuals in small amounts, huge distortions in our election system would disappear and we’d be back to discussing only the issues.  On the other hand, when a candidate receives most of their contributions from “red” sources or entities like large amount donors, PACs, associations and unions, then the minimum number of voters or entities like PACs, associations, and unions use a maximum amount of money to distort the election.

OK, this will take a some time to think about, in the meantime here are a few simple rules to follow when you vote.
  1. After looking at their positions on the issues, vote for candidates with small donations from a large number of individuals.
  2. Never vote for a candidate who receive over 25% of their donations from the combination of large amount donors (over $499), and non-human entities likes PACs, associations, and unions.

A THOUGHT TO REMEMBER:  While large amounts of money can overwhelm a fair discussion on the issues, if the money is given by individuals it is visible to all of us, and in that way fair.  On the other hand, when very large amount donor individuals, PACs, associations, and unions give money, the effect of that money isn’t felt until after the election.  The real damage quietly occurs when a large donor or non-human entity stops by an elected official’s office to remind them of a prior donation and twist their arm.

In my next post:  I will apply as many of the Voting Alert Beacons as possible to what we’re reading and hearing in the news.

In the meantime, remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2012 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.