Monday, April 09, 2012

Will someone with a VISION OF SUCCESS for America please run for President!

Last week after the Tuesday Republican primaries in Maryland, Wisconsin and Washington DC, the press, the commentators, and President Obama started to focus on Mitt Romney as the presumptive Republican candidate for President.  Some deference is still being paid to Ron Paul, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich, but there has definitely been a shift in the “wind.”  Yesterday (Sunday), Newt Gingrich on FoxNEWS Sunday admitted that Mitt Romney is the likely Republican candidate.

It seems the “race” is on!  Last week as Mitt Romney and President Obama began to test the feel of a two man race, you would think that each would seize the moment to talk about why he is the best servant leader for these times in America.  Each could tell us what their vision of success is, and where it will take us as a country.

Sadly, but not unexpectedly, both Mitt Romney and President Obama are spending much of their time discussing why the other candidate shouldn’t be President.  It would be better for America, and more helpful to each of their campaigns, if they would focus on what he offering as a vision of success.   For now, remember to apply Voting Alert Beacon #3 as the candidates campaign.

Let’s see if we voters can get them to do that.  In my next post I will offer some thoughts on what a “vision of success” is.

In future posts, I will discuss a range of things to consider as each of us thinks about who to vote for next November.  I’ll do my best to give comment and examples on how to apply the Voting Alert Beacons to the back and forth discussion between the candidates.  I look forward to offering a few new ideas and items like a practical definition of what exactly a “vision of success” is, and how to compare several visions for their possibilities.  I will also offer a job description for the Presidency of the United States so that we have at least a basic standard for knowing if a candidate is qualified, along with their strong points and weak points.

Throughout, I hope to do my best to get the candidates to talk to us as voters instead of arguing with each other.  It is my hope that the candidates will respond and focus less on defeating each other, and more on giving us reasons to vote for them.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2012 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.

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