These are difficult times, but we can take heart in our strength. Many among us daily risk everything to help the few. They work on our streets, in our hospitals, and generally our communities. Some have sworn to serve and protect us from foreign aggressors. They are all heroes. Now, especially in this "voting season," all of us must rise up. It’s our turn now, and our duty now. There are changes that “WE THE PEOPLE,” must make.
”We the People" (you and me) hunger for leadership, honesty, and the re-emergence of public service. We don’t need more politicians who accumulate power and enrich themselves. We have too many of those, and many are corrupt. We need public servants to lead us. We need public servants to work together, and to inspire us. Elective office must be about people and public service, not power and politics. The currency of our actions needs to be honesty, not influence or money. Only then can WE focus on what we can become, and what we can achieve.
In all of this, WE have a part to play too. We need to stop peering outside ourselves. Stop pointing our fingers. We should spend more time looking at the person in the mirror, because what WE become as a nation begins with each of us individually. Each of us, and all of us as a country, in support of our freedoms and liberties, need to focus on our individual responsibilities, and our individual actions.
Indeed, it’s time to get back to basics. It’s time to remember a few simple things. Let’s begin by resurrecting two old, but important and timeless virtues. THEY are the virtues of HONESTY AND PUBLIC SERVICE.
Let's all vote on November 5th!
David W. Wygant