Showing posts with label Issues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Issues. Show all posts

Sunday, June 17, 2018


What is common sense?

In the weeks and months ahead, I plan to write a series of Voting Alert Beacons posts called “Beacons of Common Sense.”  Issue by issue, it will be my goal to find “common sense” expression of the challenges we face and what the solution(s) might look like.  This view of common sense will hopefully transform and take us to a higher plain of civics and civility.  A place where we aren’t Democrats, Republics, or Independents.  A place where we can all just be citizens of the United States of America.  

I find my inspiration for Beacons of Common Sense in the book written by Thomas Paine before the America Revolution.  At the time it was a best seller.  If you thought the British should go back to England and leave the Colonies alone, you thought it expressed common sense.  Interestingly, the thoughts Paine expressed proved to be truths through the American experience of self-government.  In many cases, common sense became common practice through the US Constitution.

I’m also taking advantage of the internet.  How could I not?  I’ve compiled a list of words that express different forms of common sense.  Here’s the list:  Good sense, native wit, sensibleness, judgment, levelheadedness, prudence, discernment, canines, astuteness, wisdom, insight, perception, practicality, horse sense, gumption, savvy, and street smarts. 

I plan to write about the topics and issues we should all watch closely as the next election approaches.  What are my goals as the author?  It is my hope that in a tiny way I can help people realize that even Common Sense must be willing to change.  It is critical that we all respectfully use our 1st Amendment right of free expression.  However, with the right comes the responsibility to listen.  Even more, listening must mean we are willing to change.  We must be willing to let the other person, or the other argument, or the other viewpoint change us.  If we all come with that commitment, we will indeed meet in “the middle of the road,” and build an incredibly strong Common Sense for America.

As one writer, and indeed one voter, I hope you will follow along in the weeks and months ahead.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2018 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Saturday, January 16, 2016

CONSIDER THE DIFFERENCES (Politicians vs. Public Servants vs. Leaders)

Politician President
  • This is the pinnacle of my career and power.
  • I’m looking forward to the increased retirement and continuing benefits-perks.
  • I will work to fulfill the interests of those who voted for me.  
  • I will lead on the issues to implement my agenda and my party’s platform.
  • I will interpret the rules so that my actions are legal
  • I care about what is good for me, my party, and our viewpoint on the issues.

Public Servant President
  • I will do my best to put self last and America first. 
  • I will work hard to make a contribution, and then move on to give someone else the same opportunity.
  • This isn’t my career, and I look forward to returning to mine in private life as a citizen.
  • I am embarrassed by all the perks people want to give me.
  • I never take credit, but find out who really deserves it, and I give it to them.
  • I serve my constituents and will lead them toward consensus on the issues.

Leader President 
  • I will lead America toward fulfillment of its potential and destiny.
  • I lead all Americans whether they voted for me or not. 
  • I lead toward a vision not a position on an issue.
  • Leading is my service and my duty.
  • The only special interest that matters is America’s.
  • I will lead toward leaving America in better shape than she was in when I took office.  

Honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2016 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Below is a partial list of national issues that have ganged up on America in the past few years.  They are all related and interconnected.  Individually and collectively they challenge America.  They belong to each of us as individual voters, and to all of us as a nation.

As our next voting opportunity soon approaches, we need to find public servants and leaders who are willing to take them up as opportunities that continue to take the American success story forward into the future.  While everyone who we elect won’t agree on how to solve each individual challenge, everyone should at least carry the same list on their “napkin.”  Everyone should approach their leadership opportunity as a chance to show how they think these issues interlock, and how they can do their part in keeping America’s future bright.

The biggest challenge America faces today is that not even one leader from the top to the bottom of the ladder has all of these are their napkin. 

How would things be different now in the world order and in America if our leaders in Congress and the Executive Branch had and were all carrying this same list on their “napkins?”  What if they worked for the good of their communities and for America using the principle that says, “If I take care of my brother and sister, then I will be well cared for.”  This principle certainly doesn’t reflect current reality, but it could.

Here’s the list:
  • Bombed Syria immediately after confirming they had used chemical weapons?
  • Organized a special select committee to investigate Benghazi as soon as it had happened?
  • Compromised toward consensus with Obamacare?
  • Deployed the missile shield as planned in Poland?
  • Funded NASA enough to keep an independent astronaut launch capacity?  Let’s not forget that our trip to the moon gave us our current life.
  • Find consensus on the gun issue consistent with the 2nd Amendment and the need to protect our citizens?
  • Passed consensus legislation that serves our national security, is compassionate in how we treat humans and recognizes that the strength of America is in our new immigrants?
  • Thought clarity about the severe NSA intrusion into our privacy rights versus our need for security.
  • Natural gas development.
  • Keystone pipeline construction.
  • National debt.
  • Balanced budget.
  • Middle east peace.
  • Iran nukes.
  • Middle East democracies and despots.
  • Liberty and opportunity.
  • Campaign finance.
  • The IRS scandal.
  • The Veteran Affairs health care scandal.

If we all vote and use the Voting Alert Beacons, we can restore common  sense to our government, we can thank and say goodbye to the politicians forever, and welcome a new cast of public servants and leaders.

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.