Showing posts with label Beacon #6. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beacon #6. Show all posts

Saturday, July 02, 2016


MY FELLOW AMERICANS, this day and this age calls us.    Everything we want and all that we need IS in front of us, but we must focus on its potential, and embrace it.  

So, it’s time for us, “WE THE PEOPLE”  to quiet our voices and become calm.  It’s time for “WE THE PEOPLE” to increase the volume of our VOTES.  Whether we are liberal or conservative, left or right, man or woman, young or old, no matter our color, no matter our language, no matter our religion, and no matter what divides us or makes us different from each other, it’s time for all of us to put aside these labels and just be Americans in the United States of America.  It’s time for each of us to awaken our sense of CIVIC responsibility and become “WE THE PEOPLE” again.

Please enjoy this Home Free a cappella arrangement of "God Bless the USA" by Lee Greenwood.

Have a great and safe Fourth of July!

Let us always remember that honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2016 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Sunday, January 10, 2016


I've written before about the focus only on FREEDOM and "OUR RIGHTS" that many in America see as the beginning and end of our civic discussions. My earlier writings have emphasized how critical the fulfillment of our "RESPONSIBILITIES" are to the full realization of our rights. You may remember my story of a potbelly stove and the person begging for heat without first doing the work needed to provide the fuel. There is something else which we need to discuss. Freedom is worth very little without this thing.

That thing is LIBERTY. In a phrase, liberty is the lifeblood of freedom. The flow of Liberty through our democracy gives freedom and our  rights effect. This flow of liberty moves the oxygen of self-determination just as our blood provides this life sustaining gas to every part of our bodies.
So, when we see our government at any level (but particularly at the federal level) pass laws and regulations to "govern" any part of our existence we should think carefully whether "we are OK" with that move. Without a doubt, government needs to do certain things. Those basic things are laid out quite nicely in the US Constitution. That document is the contract we have with each other whereby we give up a certain amount of liberty to receive the listed benefits. In the current context, national defense comes to mind.

In any event, we need to avoid that circumstance where our government is doing a poor job in those areas where it should be active (like keeping us safe), and at the same time, becoming active in areas it shouldn't be involved in (like personal rights). The most important thing to remember is that we voters are the government. It is us, not a separate entity. If we don't like what's going on, then the first step is  to look in the mirror and blame that person. Then use that feeling as motivation to VOTE in fulfill our most basic civic responsibility.

Honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2016 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Rest of Us Party (TROUP)

What would happen if all eligible voters followed through on their responsibility to vote?  

Without making partisan guesses based on the issues, what new things can we “imagine” happening.  Of course, both major parties always work on voter turnout  to enlarge their bases and thereby win elections.  Nonetheless, their efforts are usually marginal at best.  Again, the question is, what if all (100%) of us just went to the polls and voted?  The answer is that we would create a NEW MATH.  

The standard (old) math includes approximate counts for the number of democrats and the number of republicans.  Also included is some number for independents and minor party voters.  

Here are the approximate big numbers for the NEW MATH:

72 million democrats
55 million Republicans
88 million “The Rest of Us Party” (TROUP)

215 million total eligible voters.

I can imagine a few specific changes that might occur.  What can you imagine?

  • TROUP would bring the discussions on the issues back to the middle.
  • Instead of driving over the speed bumps on the shoulders of the “road,” and shaking the country apart, we would begin traveling more smoothly down the “middle of the road.”
  • We would begin to replace “politicians” with “public servants.”
  • Special interests would have less influence.  As a result, some of the money would be taken out of the system.
  • Finally, the “best and brightest” would run for public office again.

Beacons #6 and #7 hold the key.  Be sure to vote and keep your vote a secret.  With these two Beacons and the NEW MATH, we can really change the system for the better, and drive the politicians crazy!

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Voting Does Make a Difference — IF WE

The real enemy the American democracy faces is apathy among we voters.  Where apathy exists, it is an expression of frustration with government at many levels and a feeling of powerlessness to do anything about it. 

Here’s the IF WE

The Voting Alert Beacons is a simple process that does three basic things:  1) Stop negative campaigning, 2) Take the money (special interest) influence out of our government, and 3)  Attract the “best and brightest” people back into public service.



So, what do you say?  Lets change a few things!

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Minnesota Primary Results

Yesterday, August 12th, 2014, the Minnesota primary election was held.  Current reporting is indicating that only slightly less than 10% of the eligible voters cast a vote.  According to predictions, this seems to be what everyone expected.  The reasons given are classic:  Midterm election, Disinterest or disgust in politics generally, or maybe in Minnesota we’re doing pretty well according to some.  For better or for worst, depending on your point of view, the budget is in balance at the moment, and our unemployment rate is generally low.  Of course, if you don’t have a job, you wouldn’t consider pretty low as good enough.  Nonetheless, and in any event, the primary election results are now in.

Let’s look closely at the statewide races.  This year in Minnesota the statewide top of the ticket race for Governor is between Mark Dayton (incumbent-Democrat) and Jeff Johnson (challenger-Republican).  The race for U.S. Senator from Minnesota is between Al Franken (incumbent-Democrat) and Michael McFadden (challenger-Republican).  Now the candidates reset their clocks and begin campaigning to win the election in November.

It’s also time for we voters to reset our clocks and watch what the candidates do next.  Let’s get into the habit of using the Voting Alert Beacons.  We can start with the core Beacons:  Beacon #3:  Listen/Ignore, Beacon #4: The Polls, and Beacon #5:  The Money.

Beacon #3:  Listen/Ignore

Go back to the Voting Alert Beacons blog and review the detail of this step.  At its core is that we want to only listen to what the candidate says about themselves, their positions on the issues and what they plan to do.  Ignore everything else they say.  To begin, check the candidate’s websites.

Beacon #4:  The Polls

This is about what you shouldn’t do.  I know that sounds negative, but it’s important not to read polls and not to participate.  When a candidate’s representative call you, a polling company appears, or the media interrupts your day, just say no.

Beacon #5:  The Money

Let’s start with the numbers as of the end of July (see below).  This information comes from the Federal Election Committee and from the state of Minnesota.  Generally, it’s what we might expect (not saying this is OK).  The incumbent has a lot more money in total and they have a lot more money from PACs and special interests.  Again, review Beacon #5 and remember the ideal candidate won’t take money from special interest groups and only smaller amounts from individuals.

Minnesota Governor Candidates

Mark Dayton
Individual  $549,437.07
Lobbyists  $11,540.00
PACs  $41,446.86

Jeff Johnson
Individual  $204,640.29
Lobbyists  $2,898.40
PACs  $1,050.00

Minnesota Senate Candidates

Al Franken
Individual  $12,442,034.00
PAC  $1,003,139.00
Candidate  $0.00
Other  $1,680,395.00

Michael McFadden
Individual  $3,147,166.00
PAC  $249,500.00
Candidate  $5,200.00
Other  $2,448.00

NOTE:  There is a lot more money in the senate race because contributors (individual and special interest) from all over the country send money.  Human nature being what it is, the result is that whoever our Senator is really doesn’t faithfully represent Minnesota, as they should.

OK, VOTERS, let’s get to work.  Let’s get ready to vote in November by following the Voting Alert Beacons along the way.

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Did You VOTE In Your Primary Today?

Today was “primary voting” day in Minnesota.  If you are having a primary in your state today, did you vote on your way to work?  If not yet, be sure to find time later.  Check to see when your polls close ASAP. 


Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Sunday, August 03, 2014

COMMENT AND QUESTIONS: When will the world be “appalled” by Hamas?


Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (Britain) from 1937 until 1940.  During these three years, in concert with France, Adolf Hitler and Germany were given the Czech region of Sudetenland with the hopes that it would appease Germany.  This hope was never realized and by the end of 1939 Hitler had taken the rest of the Czech regions and Poland.  Britain and Chamberlain declared war, but it was too late.  The march of Germany across Europe had begun resulting the virtual destruction of Europe, the death of tens of millions of civilians, and the killing of over six million Jews by the Third Reich in the Holocaust.  

Now, in the Middle East, Hamas (the proxy of Iran) has attacked Israel once again. Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization by all of the civilized world.  Hamas has been killing innocent civilians since their inception in 1987.  


  • President Obama, how would you lead and what would America’s response be if 240 million American citizens were threatened and/or injured by rockets fired by a terrorist organization in a neighboring country?  What if those same terrorists had constructed a complex tunnel system which allowed them to infiltrate into our largest cities closest to our borders?  How is it possible that your administration can say that America is “appalled” by the defensive actions Israel is taking, all the while doing its best to minimize civilian casualties?  Especially, when there is clear evidence that Hamas is directly responsible for these civilian deaths.

  • Chancellor Merkel, given that Germany (your country) is the country which tried to conquer Europe in WWII and killed over six million Jews in the Holocaust, why haven’t you used all of your powers of oratory, both inside Germany and directed to the rest of the world, in defense of Israel’s right to exist and live in peace?  Don’t you feel any responsibility to speak the truth about Hamas?  As leader of a now free and moral Germany, don’t you feel any responsibility to lead toward the moral high ground?

  • Prime Minister Cameron, during WWII England suffered tremendously and was in a real fight for its’ existence like the Israel of today.  When you bombed Germany because you existence was threatened, were you as careful about doing everything you could do to protect the civilian population as Israel has been?  Why haven’t you risen up with clear oratory, as Chancellor Merkel needs to do, and declared the rightness of what Israel is doing in defending itself?

  • All media, why do you only publish the pictures of Palestinian suffering?  You are all such great investigative reporters and organizations, would now be a great time to put those skills to use?  Can’t you dig a little deeper to find pictures and video clips of Hamas forcing its civilians to stay in harms way?  In this day of modern communications, can’t you find evidence of how Hamas is using schools, hospitals, mosques, and other public places to store weapons and conduct war from?

Remember, when we step into the voting booth in November, lets vote for people who are clear on the difference between right and wrong!!  

Using the Voting Alert Beacons, we all need to step forward to do our duty and then demand that the public servants we elect, do theirs!!

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Saturday, June 21, 2014


We all have different gifts and skills.  We have all been blessed with different experiences that enrich each of us, and collectively bless us as a nation.  We are indeed blessed as a nation in spite of our many individual differences because of the “right to vote.”  Ultimately, the right to vote is the glue that binds us and unites us.  It was won for us several hundred years ago by our Fore Fathers and they memorialized the right in the U.S. Constitution where it says, “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union …”  We enjoy it not because of any of our own actions, but because of the actions of those who came before.

It is up to each of us to use the right to vote, to exercise it, and to pass it on to our children.  Isn’t it sad that some choose not to vote, and thereby diminish the right by one more increment?  

In MY CREED below, Mr. Alfange offers his perspective on America and what it means to be an American.  He speaks directly about a few rights, and many of his own choices.  The right to vote is basic and indispensable for everything he expresses. 

MY CREED Dean Alfange (Flying "W" Ranch)

I do not choose to be a common man. It is my right to be uncommon. I seek opportunity to develop whatever talents God gave me, not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me. I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of utopia. I will not trade freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a handout. I will never cower before any earthly master nor bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid; to think and act myself, enjoy the benefit of my creations and to face the world boldly and say-----"This , with God's help, I have done." 

All this is what it means to be an American.

Vote, please vote!  Voting is basic to what it means to be an American.  By every vote made we buy more “stock” in our future individually and collectively as a nation.

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Sunday, April 27, 2014


On the CNN news website today, Julian Zelizer posted an opinion article that raised very serious questions about the health of democracy in America because of the influence of money.   It’s hard not to feel a little apprehension after reading it.

In the first paragraph, Mr. Zelizer identifies the problem and underlines its seriousness.  Throughout the article he recalls the history of how we “got here.”  He states what all of us know to be true based on what we see happening around us.

It is the season to act!

We voters can do something about this problem.  We can fix it one vote at a time (THINK THE POWER OF ONE).  Voting Alert Beacon #5 drives a stake through the heart of special interests money, and their effect on our democracy.

It’s very simple!  First we all need to vote.  Second, if we follow the basic steps that the Voting Alert Beacons lay out in making our selections in the voting booth, we can shut down the special interest money like a water faucet that doesn’t leak.

Some would say that the Beacons are too simple.  I would say that is the very reason why they will work cleanly and effectively with dramatic effects.

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


It’s already started.  

We’re now fully immersed in the 2014 election cycle.  Parties and politicians are throwing mud with both hands.  Instead, wouldn’t it be refreshing if party or person were to spend their time and energy offering positive solutions, and a little simple honesty?  Everyone spends too much time talking about what’s wrong with the “other” position or person, and not enough time on what they will do to solve problems if they get a chance.

It’s time for we voters to begin practicing our listening skills.  Voting Alert Beacon #3 (Listen / Ignore) offers a simple approach that will help us decide who to vote for.  LISTEN to what candidates say about themselves and their positions on the issues.  IGNORE what they say about their opponents and their opponent's positions on the issues.

Another feature of election cycles that adds energy to the “mud-slinging” is the opinion poll.  Have you ever noticed how there’s an opinion poll for everything?  Polls enable the candidates to take positions for the sole purpose of gaining our votes.  They allow the parties and persons to do what they think enough voters want them to do so they can win the election. 

When you get that telephone call, you hear a knock on the door, or someone stops you on the street, just say “no.”  Voting Alert Beacon #4 (The Polls) is simple and clear on what we need to do.  DO NOT participate in polls except the National Census every ten years. Poll driven positions on the issues would cease to exist, and the candidates would be pushed toward thoughtful consideration of what they need to do and what should be done.

A final area for voters to keep a close eye on throughout the 2014 election cycle, and after when our elected public servants begin to work, is in problem solving and solution finding.  History shows us that sometimes they try to fix things that aren’t broken, or they do it in a way that breaks what was working pretty well, while increasing the size and seriousness of the original problem.  As a result, costs go up and the government grows larger.

Remember, Listen / Ignore and Just Say No!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014


In his course, TO LEAD A NATION, The Presidency in the Twentieth Century, Robert Dallek discusses the reasons why some of the Presidents of the Twentieth Century (Theodore Roosevelt through Ronald Reagan) rose to greatness, while most of us can’t remember who the others were. 

Mr. Dallek identifies several things that the “great Presidents” consistently score high in.  This list of items includes:  Vision, charisma, pragmatism, consensus building, trust or credibility, and luck.

These are personal attributes that we as voters can use to identify who we might vote for, right?  They are key characteristics we can identify for ourselves by listening to what the candidates say and by knowing a little about their track records.  By the way, aren’t these attributes of “Presidential greatness” also qualities we’d like to see more of in all of our public servants and representatives?

The 2014 elections are around the corner, and the 2016 elections not to long after that.  Maybe we should start asking ourselves how the current crop of public servants and representatives “measure up” using this list. 

NOTE:  This list of presidents examined by Mr. Dallek included:  Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kenney, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan.

After Ronald Reagan, the Presidents have been George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barak Obama

For practice, we can also think about how the Presidents since Ronald Reagan measured up.  What do you think?

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2013 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved. 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Candle In The Darkness

The “right to vote” is a fundamental reason for America’s past success and its bright future.  When we vote, we light a candle that burns brightly.  Its light spreads in all directions.  Indeed voting shines a light into the dark corners, and makes them visible for all to see.  When necessary, it is our tool to help us get the American ship back on course, and steer it out of the fog that occasionally descends.

The right to vote is also the “real” America Dream.  It’s not a house, or a job and a certain wage.  All of those things exist in other countries where there are no rights and dreams.  It is a basic act of self determination, and reflects on who we are as a nation.  Voting breaths life into our Constitution.  As a result, our Constitution is also extraordinary. 

In his remarks to the delegates of the United States Senate Youth Program on February 5, 1981, President Ronald Reagan said,

“I had a copy of the Soviet Constitution and I read it with great interest.  And I saw all kinds of terms in there that sounded just exactly like our own:  “Freedom of assembly” and freedom of speech” and so forth.  Of course, they don’t allow them to have those things, but they’re in there in the constitution.  But I began to wonder about the other constitutions --- everyone has one --- and our own, and why so much emphasis on ours.  And then I found out, and the answer was very simple.  That’s why you don’t notice it at first, but it is so great that it tells the entire difference.  All those other constitutions are documents that say that “We, the government, allow the people the following rights,” and our Constitution says “We, the people, allow the government the following privileges and rights.”

We give our permission to government to do the things that it does.  And that’s the whole story of the difference --- why we’re unique in the world and why no matter what our troubles may be, we’re going to overcome all those troubles --- and with your help and support because it’s an ongoing process.”

It seems that the current crop of public servants in Washington DC, and some in the various states have forgotten who they serve.  In fact, many seem to think that it is their job to “rule” instead of “serve.”  In the name of public service, many serve a favorite issue, a financial contributor or a political party and ideology.  As a result, they are driving the country on the left and right shoulders of the road.  The shoulders are bumpy and often extreme.  Either side insists that they are on the correct side of every issue.  In fact, neither side, left or right, is on the correct side.

So, it’s time to find new drivers who will drive us down the smooth middle of the road.  That time of decision is coming soon.  Hopefully, after the election in November 2014, the ride will start to even out.  For us as voters, the only important thing to do is for ALL of us to vote.  It won’t matter how each of us votes if we ALL vote.  The genius of America and the American Dream will shine once more.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2013 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved. 

Friday, December 27, 2013

The Voting Alert Beacons Vision

Following is a "re-post" from last September.  Given the current failure of our elected representatives in Washington DC, and the need for us as voters to focus on electing new public servants, this vision below seems like a great place to start.  Remember, the next election opportunity is now less than a year away in November 2014.

Recently I was talking with a friend who had seen my Voting Alert Beacons blog, and they weren’t sure what it was about.  Why are you writing it, they asked?  As we talked more, I showed them the “tab” which contained the vision, and described how there were simple things an individual citizen could do to make their vote more effective.  All of these “simple things” are positive in spirit and designed to call forward the best in our elected public servants, and the best in America as a nation.

Then they asked whether I seriously thought enough citizens would take these simple steps.  We talked about Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King.  We talked about the “60’s” and how citizens can come together in ways not thought possible to do things that seem impossible.  While it is only the beginning, we should not be discouraged.  As you can see in the blog “tab” or here in this post, it is now only a vision, but it is the first most important step.

I have a small consulting company called Wormhole Consulting, LLC in which we always begin engagements and challenges with, “What we have the vision to see, we can find a way to be.”  In my experience, the most difficult step is always the first step.  We must first see, and find the vision.

Now read below and review.  The most difficult first step has been taken.


By the Presidential election of 2016, and continuing thereafter, reach a 95% voter turnout thereby realizing the genius of our combined American intelligence, and giving rise to a new higher standard of civil service and servant leadership.  Without negative campaigning, and the influence of money and polls, elections will become events of national renewal.  Let us strike the bell beginning a new period of enlightenment in the American democracy that will ring for millennia to come.  We can renew and fulfill the original American Dream, the right to vote, for all her citizens, and once again let America shine as a beacon for the world.

The day after the 2016 election, the media will report the following:
  • 95% of eligible voters cast ballots
  • All candidates for President created visions and offered them to America
  • For the first time in American memory, the new President leads with a vision of success that looks 25 years into the future
  • The new President was elected by 75% of the votes cast giving their vision a mandate

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2013 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved. 

Monday, September 02, 2013

Voter Practice for the Next Election

As I’ve written before, the Voting Alert Beacons are basic and easy to understand principles for voters to use to maximize the power and effectiveness of their individual vote.  Connected to this idea is the notion that we should cast our votes with courage and confidence.  Courage that even as we vote individually we vote together if everyone votes.  Confidence, that when we all vote, the best decisions will emerge.

As another election cycle approaches, this is a good time to practice two very important voter skills.  Those skills are:  1) the ability to ask questions, and 2) the ability to listen.  Later, in another post, I will go deeper into the basic candidate skills as laid out by the Voter Alert Beacons.

For this practice session, let’s talk about Syria.  Over the past several weeks, as you’ve watched your news source there are a number of prominent headlines that have talked about Syria.
  • Approximately a year ago, President Obama very publicly declared that if Syria used chemical weapons, they would be crossing a “red line,” and there would be serious consequences.
  • Now, the United States is sure Syria has used chemical weapons on its own people.
  • UN inspectors have investigated and their results will be released in several weeks.
  • Both Russia and China intend to vote no in the UN Security Council to any Syria punishment.
  • The British Parliament has voted no to any military involvement with the US in Syria.
  • It seems President Obama has decided that something needs to be done militarily.  “A shot needs to be fired across Syria’s bow.”  Now he is looking for support abroad and at home.
  • The President has decided he will wait for a vote from Congress on whether Syria should be bombed or not.

Are there any questions we voters should be asking?

It seems like common sense and fair that we voters should expect that anyone who we vote into national office should have skills in four basic areas:  Visioning, Strategic Planning, Leadership, and Team Building.  Given the details of this practice problem, what questions should we now be asking?

Some questions:
  1. Given the lessons of history, is there anything that has happened in Syria and the surrounding countries which couldn’t have been predicted?  Is it a surprise that Assad wants to stay in power?  Is it a surprise that he would use his substantial military to destroy any opposition to his rule?  Because he has chemical weapons, doesn’t it seem highly likely he would use them?
  2. Given the geopolitical and economic interests of Russia and China, is it surprising that they tend to work against taking effective action in Syria to bring peace and stop the bloodshed?
  3. Why did President Obama think that his statement about using chemical weapons and crossing a red line would in fact stop Syria from using those weapons?  What does it mean that Syria used chemical weapons in spite of the “red line?”
  4. Because the events in Syria, including chemical weapons, were predictable wouldn’t it have been a good use of visioning and strategic planning to ask Congress to have a “red line” debate and vote before making the red line declaration?  Then, would the “red line” be so easy for Syria to ignore?  Wouldn’t a little preplanning in terms of “what if” have been a great thing to do with our allies too.
  5. A broader question now might be whether the President has stepped back to look at the Middle East as a whole to see what other red lines might exist.  Are there finished strategic plans that can be called upon and implemented when needed?  Has the consulting and communication with Congress and our allies been done ahead of time so action can be taken when certain things happen?  
  6. It seems that the military is prepared to implement a number of options, if needed.  Why is leadership in the White House and in Congress so unprepared to make a decision and to act?
  7. The big question overall is why does it seem like we’re so unprepared?  What if our leaders had the skills of visioning, strategic planning, leadership and team building, would we be better prepared?

Sadly, instead of focusing on answers to the questions above, most of our elected public officials are more interested in planning political strategies and winning political battles around issues that are only partisan because they want them to be.  

As voters, it’s time for us to use the Voting Alert Beacon principles to elect leaders who will work for us as individuals, and the collective we call America.  In terms of our national interests and defense, it would also be great if our leaders knew what the words “Be Prepared” meant, and could take the required actions at the required times.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2013 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Voting Alert Beacons Vision

Recently I was talking with a friend who had seen my Voting Alert Beacons blog, and they weren’t sure what it was about.  Why are you writing it, they asked?  As we talked more, I showed them the “tab” which contained the vision, and described how there were simple things an individual citizen could do to make their vote more effective.  All of these “simple things” are positive in spirit and designed to call forward the best in our elected public servants, and the best in America as a nation.

Then they asked whether I seriously thought enough citizens would take these simple steps.  We talked about Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King.  We talked about the “60’s” and how citizens can come together in ways not thought possible to do things that seem impossible.  While it is only the beginning, we should not be discouraged.  As you can see in the blog “tab” or here in this post, it is now only a vision, but it is the first most important step.

I have a small consulting company called WormholeConsulting, LLC in which we always begin engagements and challenges with, “What we have the vision to see, we can find a way to be.”  In my experience, the most difficult step is always the first step.  We must first see, and find the vision.

Now read below and review.  The most difficult first step has been taken.


By the Presidential election of 2016, and continuing thereafter, reach a 95% voter turnout thereby realizing the genius of our combined American intelligence, and giving rise to a new higher standard of civil service and servant leadership.  Without negative campaigning, and the influence of money and polls, elections will become events of national renewal.  Let us strike the bell beginning a new period of enlightenment in the American democracy that will ring for millennia to come.  We can renew and fulfill the original American Dream, the right to vote, for all her citizens, and once again let America shine as a beacon for the world.

The day after the 2016 election, the media will report the following:
  • 95% of eligible voters cast ballots
  • All candidates for President created visions and offered them to America
  • For the first time in American memory, the new President leads with a vision of success that looks 25 years into the future
  • The new President was elected by 75% of the votes cast giving their vision a mandate

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2013 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


In other countries, both rich and poor, developed and underdeveloped, we shake our heads at the corruption we think we see.  We are critical, as we should be anywhere, that we see money exchanged directly with the influencer.  We call these bribes and are thankful that such things don’t happen or are very rare in America.  Or, do they, sort of?

Now consider this …
  • Corporations, unions, lobbyists, special interest groups of all kinds make very large campaign contributions to candidates.
  • For many years now, Presidents have made appointments to important government posts at home and abroad in considerations for campaign funds donated and favors given.
  • Elected public servants receive as compensation salaries that are above the private sector for similar work and responsibilities, gold plated health insurance, budgets for overly large staff, “investigative” trips that are of little value to taxpayers, but quite enjoyable to the elected public servant and their families, and the age old “franking” privilege with the post office.
  • In terribly abusive cases, elected public servants exchange power for sexual favors and break the law.
These are just a few examples where the people we elect to lead us give away their influence and the power of their positions in exchange for cash and perks.  I realize the money rarely flows directly to their personal bank accounts, and instead legally goes to huge campaign funds, but they enjoy the benefits just the same.

Over the years, well meaning senators and representatives, along with the President at the time have tried to change our written laws to reform our political system, but any restrictions are unconstitutional as they should be.  Then how do we fix this?

Beacon #5:  THE MONEY
The remedy is simple and its application is constitutional and absolute.  We vote for candidates who only accept money from individual citizens.  Furthermore, we vote for those candidates with the smallest average citizen contributions.  

Beacon #6:  ALL VOTE and Vision for VOTING ALERT BEACONS
It’s important, however, that we ALL VOTE.  If 95% of us vote using this method, many things will change for the better.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2013 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Just Vote Your Feelings!

  • When you grow tired of the childish behavior of our national leaders, just vote your feelings.
  • When you’re fed up with the whole thing, don’t sit at home, just vote your feelings.
  • When you’re tired of people who think working in Congress or any of the state legislatures is a career, remind them it isn’t.  Impose your own term limit on them by just voting your feelings.
  • When campaign yard signs get on your nerves as an intrusion to what is a personal matter, and a private consideration, just vote your feelings.
  • When campaigns make you sick to your stomach, and you just want to run away, instead of feeling a sense of opportunity and optimism, just vote your feelings.
  • When you see the BOZO Principle (see the 7-4-13 post) in operation at all levels of state and federal government, just vote your feelings.
  • When you must balance your checkbook, but it seems like the politicians never knew how, just vote your feelings.
  • When there doesn’t seem to be a leader anywhere, find another average citizen (or you) to lead knowing they will do much better than your average politician, and just vote your feelings.
  • When it’s hard to remember and know that America’s best days are still ahead, just vote your feelings.
  • When you think the government (at any level) believes that it’s in charge, not the voters, then just vote your feelings.
  • … and on and on and on and on, just vote your feelings.

Next Steps

Now look again at Voting Alert Beacons #6 and #7 to remind yourself what your responsibilities as a citizen are, and to remember that a secret personal vote is extremely effective.  Remember that you’re smart and you can trust your vote with your feelings.   Resolve to do your part in changing a voter turnout of 61.8% in 2012 (as reported by the Census Bureau) to a turnout of at least 95% in the next election, and all the elections that follow.

Then, just vote your feelings!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2013 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Voting Alert Beacons QUICKSTART coming soon ...

The Voting Alert Beacons are based on a very small number of things voters can do to maximize the power and effectiveness of their votes.  On top of these basic principles I've written and will continue to write about what they are, and why they work.  As I write, I plan to include current examples of what is happening in our local, state, and federal governments, and discuss how the relevant Beacon(s) apply.  

In the mean time, I will provide a QUICKSTART list of what voters can begin to think about and do immediately.  In the weeks ahead, QUICKSTART will take its place as a "tab" on the Voting Alert Beacons home page with the other Beacons.

For a preview, here's a draft list of "steps" I expect will be included:

Step 1:  Remember that by the U.S. Constitution, the citizens run things in America.  We do this by voting.

Step 2:  Vote for the candidates that talk only about their vision and why they are the best qualified candidate in terms of talents and experience.

Step 3:  Vote for the candidate that takes little or no money from any organizations and has the smallest average contribution amount from individual citizens.  

Step 4:  Be sure to vote and keep your vote a secret.

At the core, it really is that simple.  

Stay tuned …

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2013 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.