Showing posts with label The Right. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Right. Show all posts

Thursday, August 13, 2020

THE TALE OF TWO WOLVES (A Guide for Voting)

At all levels of government, a lot is said.  There’s a lot of talk.  Especially, during campaigns candidates make many promises (how many are kept?). 

With this in mind, it’s best to watch what is done, and what is accomplished.  Promises are always kept through actions!  This is key to how we vote. Look at what has been done, and what has been accomplished. 

Also, ask questions.  Because of policies and decisions made by the government, is your life better than it was?  If so, then vote for that to continue.  If not, then vote for something else, or someone else.  All of this is like feeding the wolves.

How do voters feed the wolves?

  • With our time
  • By ignoring one or the other way.  Thereby implicitly making the other stronger.
  • With our money.
  • With our attention.

Demonstrate the power of your vote.  Vote for vision and positive actions.  Ignore the words.


. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © [2020] by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Thursday, June 28, 2018

BEACONS OF COMMON SENSE-The Middle of the Road

In a few short months, another election will be here.  We the People will have another chance to “speak,” and tell our leaders what we want them to do.  

When we elect representatives in our American Democracy, we ask them to represent us because they come from us, and are like us.  They should do their work on behalf of us.  They should serve, not rule.  They should serve briefly and then make room for others.  They shouldn’t have perks, literally, they should have what we have, and live as we do.  They should be honest so we can respect them. 

It’s time to begin a new era!  Elective office is a public service opportunity, not a career.  (REPEAT).  Elective office is a public service opportunity, not a career.

So now, please join me in the middle of the American road with a new focus on possibility and potential.  Let’s not drive on the left or right shoulders, but travel down the middle of the road, where the language spoken is common sense supported by HONESTY AND PUBLIC SERVICE.  While the shoulders certainly define the outer limits or extremes of the road, and every road has its shoulders, they aren’t where we should be traveling down, and certainly not governing from.  

Just as the speed bumps on the shoulders can shake a car apart, literally shake a car apart, in some kind of grand intramural tug of war, the left and right are shaking our country apart.  IT’S DISGUSTING AND JUST PLAIN WRONG!  IT NEEDS TO STOP!

If we can find balance in the middle of the road, a destiny of continued blessings for each of us, and for America, will be assured.  Yes!  Let’s meet in the middle of the road where common sense lives.  Let’s use our right to free speech responsibly.   However, with the right comes the responsibility to listen.  Even more, listening must mean we are willing to change.  We must be willing to let the other person, or the other argument, or the other viewpoint change us.  If we all come with that commitment, we will indeed meet in “the middle of the road,” and continue building an incredibly strong Common Sense for America.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2018 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.

Saturday, May 06, 2017



In almost every post I make to the Voting Alert Beacons Blog, I mention or call out the importance of fulfilling our personal responsibilities to ourselves, our families, our communities, and America, our country.  I will continue to do so in future posts.  However, nothing I’ve written, or I will write, will be as eloquent or on target as Michael Jackson’s song, “Man in the Mirror.”  It is a true Beacon of Hope.

My call to responsibility ensures that our America Freedoms continue and that the Voting Alert Beacons Vision is realized.

Voting Alert Beacons Vision

  • Work toward the day when, through high voter turnout in our elections, we realize once again the genius of our combined American intelligence.  
  • Give rise to a new higher standard of civil service and servant leadership.  
  • Turn the tide on negative campaigning, and the influence of money and polls, so that elections become events of national renewal.  
  • Strike the bell beginning a new period of enlightenment in the American democracy that will ring for millennia to come. 
  • Renew and fulfill the original American Dream, the right to vote, for all her citizens, so that America continues to shine as a beacon for the world.

God Bless America!!!
. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2017 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Saturday, July 02, 2016


MY FELLOW AMERICANS, this day and this age calls us.    Everything we want and all that we need IS in front of us, but we must focus on its potential, and embrace it.  

So, it’s time for us, “WE THE PEOPLE”  to quiet our voices and become calm.  It’s time for “WE THE PEOPLE” to increase the volume of our VOTES.  Whether we are liberal or conservative, left or right, man or woman, young or old, no matter our color, no matter our language, no matter our religion, and no matter what divides us or makes us different from each other, it’s time for all of us to put aside these labels and just be Americans in the United States of America.  It’s time for each of us to awaken our sense of CIVIC responsibility and become “WE THE PEOPLE” again.

Please enjoy this Home Free a cappella arrangement of "God Bless the USA" by Lee Greenwood.

Have a great and safe Fourth of July!

Let us always remember that honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2016 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Sunday, January 10, 2016


I've written before about the focus only on FREEDOM and "OUR RIGHTS" that many in America see as the beginning and end of our civic discussions. My earlier writings have emphasized how critical the fulfillment of our "RESPONSIBILITIES" are to the full realization of our rights. You may remember my story of a potbelly stove and the person begging for heat without first doing the work needed to provide the fuel. There is something else which we need to discuss. Freedom is worth very little without this thing.

That thing is LIBERTY. In a phrase, liberty is the lifeblood of freedom. The flow of Liberty through our democracy gives freedom and our  rights effect. This flow of liberty moves the oxygen of self-determination just as our blood provides this life sustaining gas to every part of our bodies.
So, when we see our government at any level (but particularly at the federal level) pass laws and regulations to "govern" any part of our existence we should think carefully whether "we are OK" with that move. Without a doubt, government needs to do certain things. Those basic things are laid out quite nicely in the US Constitution. That document is the contract we have with each other whereby we give up a certain amount of liberty to receive the listed benefits. In the current context, national defense comes to mind.

In any event, we need to avoid that circumstance where our government is doing a poor job in those areas where it should be active (like keeping us safe), and at the same time, becoming active in areas it shouldn't be involved in (like personal rights). The most important thing to remember is that we voters are the government. It is us, not a separate entity. If we don't like what's going on, then the first step is  to look in the mirror and blame that person. Then use that feeling as motivation to VOTE in fulfill our most basic civic responsibility.

Honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2016 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Friday, November 14, 2014

HELL NO, the Voters Aren’t Stupid

The voters ARE the government!  The government exists at our pleasure!  

On November 4th, not enough of us voted, but the results echoed throughout the land.  

It doesn’t matter what party or politic you call your own.  Honesty, truth, humility, competence, and a genuine desire to “serve through service” must be the “battle cries” of all our elected public servants.

No matter your view or politic, President Reagan cuts to the core truth about Americans, who we are as Americans, and what are job is as voters.

We voted, now we must watch.  Soon we must vote again.

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Did You VOTE In Your Primary Today?

Today was “primary voting” day in Minnesota.  If you are having a primary in your state today, did you vote on your way to work?  If not yet, be sure to find time later.  Check to see when your polls close ASAP. 


Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

COMMENT AND QUESTION: The Search for Truth


In a Voting Alert Beacons post on May 17, 2014, I discussed the virtues of truth and honesty.   Following is a portion of what I wrote:  

Truth can be found in the alignment of our senses with ideas and viewpoints that are supported by facts.  To pursue the truth we need to use our intellect, our spirit and all of our powers of intention.   It has always been a quest, and still is.

Outside of a way of living, talking about something, or in taking an action, honesty doesn’t mean much.  However, it is everything when our lives, the words we speak, and the actions we take line up perfectly with the truth.  The truth, not from only our point of view, but from point of view of others, too.  Our honesty isn’t so much about ourselves as it is about how we treat others, the actions we take, and what we give of ourselves to the world around us.”

It is perhaps the most important goal for us as citizens that the public servants we elect are truthful and honest.  This is not only true for how we work together as Americans, but it is equally true for how we treat the world around us, especially our closest friends and allies.  An example the world is currently experiencing is the conflict between Israel and Hamas (it’s not between Israel and the Palestinian people).

Two days ago, I posted another “Comment and Question” about Hamas and the lack of support President Obama, Secretary Kerry and the administration are showing Israel.  I also included comment about Britain, Germany and France, and how weak they are at this point in history as evil seems to be emerging everywhere.  Lastly, I questioned the Media in terms of factual and unbiased reporting.  The Media as a group generally claims that they are presenting all the facts and reporting with no bias.  Well, maybe not.  

Somehow the truth seems to emerge eventually though. Today, I found several videoclips (Facebook and Twitter) that are factual, truthful and simple.  See what you think.


President Obama, have you done your homework?  Did you view the above videoclips?  Has this kind of information been presented to you in your intelligence briefings?  If you haven’t seen this kind of information before, as President, have you fixed the problem for the future?

Secretary Kerry, why did you even think it was a good idea to negotiate with Hamas?  You realize that they are on our American (and most other countries) terrorist organization list, right?  Do you understand that the strongest negotiating position is always from truth and honesty?  

Media, I asked in my post two days ago why no one seemed to be able to find information about what Hamas is doing on the ground.  Others, not in the media, seem to find information.  Why haven’t you?  Why do you interview Hamas leaders and members?  Why do you give a listed terrorist organization a “microphone?”  Do you realize that if you were a company doing business with Hamas, it would be illegal?  I’m not at all in favor of limited the Media and curtailing the First Amendment, but can’t you just present all the sides with more truth and honesty?


Now and in the future, when we cast our votes and elect public servants, let’s work harder at finding people who will serve with truth and honesty.  If it’s the President, lets elect someone who will lead from the “high ground.”  If it’s Congress, let’s elect people who begin with truth and honesty as they find common ground to work together from, and solve problems.

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Sunday, August 03, 2014

COMMENT AND QUESTIONS: When will the world be “appalled” by Hamas?


Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (Britain) from 1937 until 1940.  During these three years, in concert with France, Adolf Hitler and Germany were given the Czech region of Sudetenland with the hopes that it would appease Germany.  This hope was never realized and by the end of 1939 Hitler had taken the rest of the Czech regions and Poland.  Britain and Chamberlain declared war, but it was too late.  The march of Germany across Europe had begun resulting the virtual destruction of Europe, the death of tens of millions of civilians, and the killing of over six million Jews by the Third Reich in the Holocaust.  

Now, in the Middle East, Hamas (the proxy of Iran) has attacked Israel once again. Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization by all of the civilized world.  Hamas has been killing innocent civilians since their inception in 1987.  


  • President Obama, how would you lead and what would America’s response be if 240 million American citizens were threatened and/or injured by rockets fired by a terrorist organization in a neighboring country?  What if those same terrorists had constructed a complex tunnel system which allowed them to infiltrate into our largest cities closest to our borders?  How is it possible that your administration can say that America is “appalled” by the defensive actions Israel is taking, all the while doing its best to minimize civilian casualties?  Especially, when there is clear evidence that Hamas is directly responsible for these civilian deaths.

  • Chancellor Merkel, given that Germany (your country) is the country which tried to conquer Europe in WWII and killed over six million Jews in the Holocaust, why haven’t you used all of your powers of oratory, both inside Germany and directed to the rest of the world, in defense of Israel’s right to exist and live in peace?  Don’t you feel any responsibility to speak the truth about Hamas?  As leader of a now free and moral Germany, don’t you feel any responsibility to lead toward the moral high ground?

  • Prime Minister Cameron, during WWII England suffered tremendously and was in a real fight for its’ existence like the Israel of today.  When you bombed Germany because you existence was threatened, were you as careful about doing everything you could do to protect the civilian population as Israel has been?  Why haven’t you risen up with clear oratory, as Chancellor Merkel needs to do, and declared the rightness of what Israel is doing in defending itself?

  • All media, why do you only publish the pictures of Palestinian suffering?  You are all such great investigative reporters and organizations, would now be a great time to put those skills to use?  Can’t you dig a little deeper to find pictures and video clips of Hamas forcing its civilians to stay in harms way?  In this day of modern communications, can’t you find evidence of how Hamas is using schools, hospitals, mosques, and other public places to store weapons and conduct war from?

Remember, when we step into the voting booth in November, lets vote for people who are clear on the difference between right and wrong!!  

Using the Voting Alert Beacons, we all need to step forward to do our duty and then demand that the public servants we elect, do theirs!!

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Saturday, March 29, 2014


In the process of justifying what’s happening to Crimea, President Putin, from the Russian Federation, has complained about something called American Exceptional-ism.  Generally, I don’t think we Americans think about ourselves as being exceptional.  Instead, most of us in our day to day lives just go about getting the job done.  Like most people in the world we want to take care of our families, and find happiness in what we do with our lives.  Perhaps, we could point to our democracy and the foundational right to vote. 

Then, if anything is exceptional, it would be the spirit of freedom and liberty that was given to us in the beginning by our founding fathers and mothers.  If we are guilty of anything, it is only that we wish others around the globe might enjoy the same blessings that we enjoy.  We might also be guilty of our conviction that everyone has the right to rise to their own potential without restraint and restriction other than the limits of their own efforts and desires.

Here’s one expression of our American conviction.  Enjoy!

MY CREED Dean Alfange (Flying "W" Ranch)

“I do not choose to be a common man. It is my right to be uncommon.  I seek opportunity to develop whatever talents God gave me, not security.  I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me.  I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed.  I refuse to barter incentive for a dole.  I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of utopia.  I will not trade freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a handout.  I will never cower before any earthly master nor bend to any threat.  It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid; to think and act myself, enjoy the benefit of my creations and to face the world boldly and say-----This , with God's help, I have done." 

All this is what it means to be an American. 

Mr. Putin, you should give this a try.  You might even find some success.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved. 

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Voting Alert Beacons QUICKSTART revision ...

On June 11, I posted the first version of Voting Alert Beacons QUICKSTART.  Recall, that the QUICKSTART is a bare essentials guide for voting in a way that maximizes the power and effectiveness of individual votes.

Since I posted the first QUICKSTART, like a drumbeat we are hearing that there is a lack of leadership at all levels in Washington DC.   Scandal after scandal is erupting.  Further, even the pundits and political commentators are now talking about how our elected officials are acting out of their own self-interest and those of their political parties (both parties).  Not all, but it seems that many have forgotten that they are public servants, and should act like servant leaders. 

What are servant leaders?  There are many defining lists of characteristics published by authors, but you always come away with the same positive feelings and understanding of servant leadership.  Sometimes the words are different, but the theme is always the same. 

Given the gap of servant leadership in Washington DC, I’ve added a new Step 2 which includes a list of servant leadership qualities. 

When you vote, this is the first step when considering the individuals you can choose from.  As Step 2 indicates, you don’t need to study leadership to vote most effectively.  Just vote for the candidate who can be described by the largest number of qualities.

Step 1:  Remember that by the U.S. Constitution, the citizens run things in America.  We do this by voting.

Step 2:  Vote for the candidate who the greatest number of the following words applies to:  Listens, Values diversity, Cultivates trust, Develops other leaders, Helps other people, Encourages, Uses persuasion, Thinks “you” not “me”, Acts with humility and Thinks long term.  

Step 3:  Vote for the candidates that talk only about their vision and why they are the best qualified candidate in terms of talents and experience.

Step 4:  Vote for the candidate that takes little or no money from any organizations and has the smallest average contribution amount from individual citizens.  

Step 5:  Be sure to vote and keep your vote a secret.

At the core, it really is that simple. 

Stay tuned …

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2013 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Voting Alert Beacons QUICKSTART coming soon ...

The Voting Alert Beacons are based on a very small number of things voters can do to maximize the power and effectiveness of their votes.  On top of these basic principles I've written and will continue to write about what they are, and why they work.  As I write, I plan to include current examples of what is happening in our local, state, and federal governments, and discuss how the relevant Beacon(s) apply.  

In the mean time, I will provide a QUICKSTART list of what voters can begin to think about and do immediately.  In the weeks ahead, QUICKSTART will take its place as a "tab" on the Voting Alert Beacons home page with the other Beacons.

For a preview, here's a draft list of "steps" I expect will be included:

Step 1:  Remember that by the U.S. Constitution, the citizens run things in America.  We do this by voting.

Step 2:  Vote for the candidates that talk only about their vision and why they are the best qualified candidate in terms of talents and experience.

Step 3:  Vote for the candidate that takes little or no money from any organizations and has the smallest average contribution amount from individual citizens.  

Step 4:  Be sure to vote and keep your vote a secret.

At the core, it really is that simple.  

Stay tuned …

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2013 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Happy Flag Day Everyone!

This morning I was reading some news accounts and predications about speeches that candidates Obama and Romney are giving in Ohio.  All of the “political predictors of the future” are guessing about what each may say.  While I’m hopeful, I have doubts that either will talk about something that is close to a vision for success.  Tomorrow, if I’m wrong and there is something exciting to write about, I certainly will.

Today, I’d like to write about our most precious right.  The right to vote.  Especially, since it’s Flag Day, and I feel patriotic.

Actually, I don’t have much to write, but I do have some questions for us to think about.

Voting Alert Beacon #4

  • There are so many polls taken during the election season.  What if everyone refused to participate?  What if we told the pollsters it was none of the business (See Voting Alert Beacon #7)?
  • How would the candidates create their positions?
  • How would the candidates create the negative marketing ads?
  • Would this new kind of “blindness” caused by the lack of polling information cause them to look inward to their own personal beliefs and visions?
  • Would they then have to talk to us about where THEY think we should go, and where they want to lead us?

Voting Alert Beacon #6

  • What if everyone voted, literally?
  • Doesn’t it make sense that increased numbers of citizens voting would help us make better choices as a country?  Do you ever wonder about all the people who don’t vote regularly because they’re just discouraged, and how many of them are really creative and smart?  What if we had that valuable input?
  • Some people would like to vote, but they don’t have a way to the polls.  You know, no car or they’re physically handicapped.  Why can’t all of us who are blessed just make sure everyone in sight has a way to the polling places to vote?
  • If voting is so important to a democracy, why don’t we get citations or tickets when you don’t?  We can get a ticket for speeding, right?  Of course, because we are a free people, we have a right NOT to vote, don’t we?  No, let’s not mess with that.

Voting Alert Beacon #7

  • What would be the effect on candidates and the “race for office” if no one knew how we voters were going to vote?  Really, what if they had no idea?
  • Would the value of our individual votes go up?
  • Would candidates spend as much time criticizing their opponents?
  • Or, would they talk more about what they want to accomplish and why we should vote for them?
  • Oh, what about the special interests?  What if the unions, the professional associations, and lobbying groups we belonged to had no idea how we were going to vote?  Many of these special interest groups give voice to important concerns, but do they have a right to knowledge about how we will vote?
  • Come to think about it, does anybody or anything have a right to influencing, controlling or knowing about our vote? 

What if everyone who is eligible to vote cast a vote, and what if they were all cast in total secrecy?  Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?

Hey, sorry for all the questions!  I was just practicing how to be a thinking voter!

Again, Happy Flag Day!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2012 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

All elementary school teachers have helped their students through the process of learning how to play with their fellow students on the playground.  It’s not uncommon for arguments to break out, and from time to time and they can become physical.  These disagreements have many common causes.  There is name calling, not knowing how to share, who got there first, unintentional shoving and bumping, ownership disputes, “me” is more important than you or the rest of you, and more.   To a teacher, all of this is opportunity.

This is where children learn to be good neighbors and not playground bullies.  There are many ways to work through a disagreement with two students including cooling off and calming down, trading spots to encourage empathy-“how do you think they feel?”, talking and negotiation.  The lessons are fundamental to good citizenship.  Lessons like selflessness instead of selfishness, being helpful and not hurtful, talk and negotiation instead of force, and empathy.  With practice, lessons are learned.

However, after learning all of this on the playground in elementary school why do we forget the lessons as adults?  Specifically, in politics why can adults who are well educated and aspiring leaders act like common playground bullies on TV and the rest of the media?  This is an age old question and this will only change through the disciplining process of losing an audience and losing votes.  The ultimate lesson is in losing an election.  What can ordinary citizens do with the right to vote?  How can we become the “elementary school teacher?”

As voters, what are the specific steps we can take to start this process?  It is simple but requires patient application over a long period.  Simply put, we should listen to candidates who talk about themselves and what they propose, and then ignore those candidates who talk about the other candidate and rarely talk about themselves.  Candidates should focus on telling their own story to the voters not distorting the story of the other person.  What a candidate says about their plan and themselves is important to us as voters.  What they say about the other candidate, isn’t.  As voters, we can decide.  We need to follow Voting Alert Beacon #3.

In my next post, I will discuss how the media can support a more positive process and Beacon #3, along with how Beacon #3 can be applied to them.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


 Copyright © 2012 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.