It is normal and a part of everyday life that we face consequences for our actions. Some come sooner than later, but they always come. Especially, we are always mindful of how important our jobs are to our lives, and in the lives of our families and dependents. We strive to fulfill the tasks before us, and in so doing “earn our keep.”
Especially for the public servants we elect, shouldn’t they be held to the same expectations and standards? Isn’t it true that, vote by vote, we give them a piece of the responsibility they assume in the office they are elected to occupy? In turn, they are responsible to fulfill the same basic expectations that we face daily on the jobs we hold? They are elected from among us and are the same as us.
So, what should we expect from our public servants? The list isn’t that long, really, and it’s basic. Nonetheless, we should set a “high bar” in terms of their performance of duties they assume.
- They should always adhere to their oath of office
- They should always act honestly
- They should abide by and live up to the spirit of the laws in all ways (avoid the appearance of impropriety)
- They should always keep the promises they make (letting their actions speak louder than their words)
- They should in all things, and for all reasons, lead for the good
- They should work for our interests only, and ignore special interests that will try to court them
What do we do when our public servants fail us? First listen to understand completely what is happening. Then if warranted, perform a recall and hold a new election. There is a recall process for each public office nationally, and in each state and municipality. These processes should be used without hesitation.
We The People should carefully guard the above standard and remember …
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