Showing posts with label Politicians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politicians. Show all posts

Thursday, August 13, 2020

THE TALE OF TWO WOLVES (A Guide for Voting)

At all levels of government, a lot is said.  There’s a lot of talk.  Especially, during campaigns candidates make many promises (how many are kept?). 

With this in mind, it’s best to watch what is done, and what is accomplished.  Promises are always kept through actions!  This is key to how we vote. Look at what has been done, and what has been accomplished. 

Also, ask questions.  Because of policies and decisions made by the government, is your life better than it was?  If so, then vote for that to continue.  If not, then vote for something else, or someone else.  All of this is like feeding the wolves.

How do voters feed the wolves?

  • With our time
  • By ignoring one or the other way.  Thereby implicitly making the other stronger.
  • With our money.
  • With our attention.

Demonstrate the power of your vote.  Vote for vision and positive actions.  Ignore the words.


. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © [2020] by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Thursday, June 28, 2018

BEACONS OF COMMON SENSE-The Middle of the Road

In a few short months, another election will be here.  We the People will have another chance to “speak,” and tell our leaders what we want them to do.  

When we elect representatives in our American Democracy, we ask them to represent us because they come from us, and are like us.  They should do their work on behalf of us.  They should serve, not rule.  They should serve briefly and then make room for others.  They shouldn’t have perks, literally, they should have what we have, and live as we do.  They should be honest so we can respect them. 

It’s time to begin a new era!  Elective office is a public service opportunity, not a career.  (REPEAT).  Elective office is a public service opportunity, not a career.

So now, please join me in the middle of the American road with a new focus on possibility and potential.  Let’s not drive on the left or right shoulders, but travel down the middle of the road, where the language spoken is common sense supported by HONESTY AND PUBLIC SERVICE.  While the shoulders certainly define the outer limits or extremes of the road, and every road has its shoulders, they aren’t where we should be traveling down, and certainly not governing from.  

Just as the speed bumps on the shoulders can shake a car apart, literally shake a car apart, in some kind of grand intramural tug of war, the left and right are shaking our country apart.  IT’S DISGUSTING AND JUST PLAIN WRONG!  IT NEEDS TO STOP!

If we can find balance in the middle of the road, a destiny of continued blessings for each of us, and for America, will be assured.  Yes!  Let’s meet in the middle of the road where common sense lives.  Let’s use our right to free speech responsibly.   However, with the right comes the responsibility to listen.  Even more, listening must mean we are willing to change.  We must be willing to let the other person, or the other argument, or the other viewpoint change us.  If we all come with that commitment, we will indeed meet in “the middle of the road,” and continue building an incredibly strong Common Sense for America.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2018 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

RAW POWER and Politics (Not Immigration)

A good place to start on the issue of immigration is with how each of us think about our own homes.  America is no different. It is our national home. Basic principles about how we want to do immigration in America are identical with the common sense rules we apply to where we live.

Our homes are sovereign just like America.  We control the door and lock it sometimes.  Do we let people jump through windows to enter?  Or, break down a wall to invade?  Rarely, do we allow entrance to a stranger.  If they are with a trusted friend, perhaps (think Green Card).  When someone enters without permission, and they refuse to leave, we call the police (ICE).  In America, when the government wants to enter, they can do so only for narrow and good reasons.  There are strict procedures.  An order must be signed by a judge.  We wouldn’t dream of losing or given away control over who can enter our homes, would we?

Ironically, there are compelling reasons that we allow strangers into our American home.  Immigration has been critical to the growth and development of America through history.  This is still true.  However, those who come should want to melt into our “melting pot” and work hard to realize what America offers, and their own personal potential.  Immigrants should come for the American Way, not to create a fresh version of what they left behind.  They should come for what America is, not what they want to make it.

So far, this is common sense, isn’t it?  So why is there so much noise on the issue?  Well, the immigration issue as we read about it in the media really has nothing to do with immigrants.  It is about power and politics, not people.  The currency of the discussion (argument) is lie and deception, not truth and sound judgment.  Even voters who are in their 20’s, have lived long enough to see political leaders flip-flop on their positions.  It’s hard not to notice that they shift to the position which they believe will earn them more power.  At the same, as if on cue, the media seems incapable of helping to sustain a calm and reasonable national discussion.  Rather, the media seems to inflame and divide instead of reporting the facts, which we voters need to make a choice.  Perhaps, the politicians and the media have forgotten who chooses in America.  It’s time to remind them.

Also, before we vote, we voters should recall the difference between legal and illegal immigrants.  Legal immigrants enter through valid points of entry.  Depending on their individual situations, there are numerous visas they can apply for.  Because America is generous and sympathetic, we offer asylum to some who come from terrible places and terrible conditions.  In all cases, a legal immigrant is properly taking their first steps to becoming American citizens and realizing personal dreams through one of these processes.  

Illegal immigrants also want to enter America, but they choose to break our laws as their first step.  They don’t use legal points of entry.  They sneak across the wilderness.  If they are lucky enough to make it to America, there’s a good chance they’ll be deported.  Or, if they fall into the right category of illegal immigrant, they may receive more benefits than the legal immigrants, and in some cases then American citizens.

How to vote?  Vote as you would for your own house on this issue.  Don’t vote by party!  Vote for Congress people who will use and apply common sense.  Use your vote to affirm and renew the virtues of honesty and public service.  Who will do the best job?  If you are still hesitating, then vote for someone who sounds reasonable, isn’t filled will hate or disrespect for other people, and is new and fresh.  Someone who has never served before.

In writing calmly and reasonably about immigration I hope by example we can all respectfully use our 1st Amendment right of free expression to add positively to the discussion.  However, with the right comes the responsibility to listen.  Even more, listening must mean we are willing to change.  We must be willing to let the other person, or the other argument, or the other viewpoint change us.  If we all come with that commitment, we will indeed meet in “the middle of the road,” and continue building an incredibly strong Common Sense for America.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2018 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

BEACONS OF HOPE: Democracy by Random Selection

When did politics become a career field?  Why would anyone aspire to become a politician?  I know the answer to the second question.  They work for their interests and special interests, all the while making a great deal of money without producing anything.  In the work they have done, they created a new class called the “elite.”  It’s hard to understand, but some of them now see themselves as modern day rulers.

In the beginning, and for many years, we called this career field public service, didn’t we?  The people who entered the field were called public servants.  Who did they work for?  They worked for us, WE THE PEOPLE.  What did they do?  What did they make?  They swore an oath to the US Constitution, and worked diligently for each American Citizen they represented, and for America as a whole.  Then after they served their term of office, they went back to their career and job.  They returned to the body politic we call WE THE PEOPLE.  Best of all, these public servants were honest.  

Today, I’d like to dedicate this BEACON OF HOPE to the virtues of honesty and public service.  To the public servants we still have, this one’s for you.


. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2018 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Sunday, February 04, 2018


At the State of the Union address last Tuesday, January 30, 2018, expressions of anger abounded with a certain group of elected representatives and their leaders. It was sad and even alarming to see the spectacle of our political divides, as created by the politicians, playing out before our eyes.  What we saw had nothing to do with who is President and who isn’t.  

If Ronald Reagan had given that State of the Union speech, it would have been more evidence of how he was a “great communicator.”  If John F. Kennedy had given it, it would reverberate for decades to come like others he gave.  My fellow Americans, we are witnessing the greatest intramural power competition in history, and “We the People” are paying dearly for it in many ways, including our treasure.

On the playing field of public service, both passion and anger will appear.  We need to remember that passion is one of the most positive forces in the universe when properly understood and used.  Anger is the most destructive for both the person expressing it, and those around them.  Public office and public leadership is a multiplier of both or either.

  • Passion is separated from anger by a very thin line.
  • Passion for something or someone looks outward for what it can accomplish and the good it can do.  Anger for something or someone is only about the person who is angry.
  • Both produce and bring tremendous energy.  One is so creative and the other so dangerous.
  • Passion is directed toward achievement and accomplishment.  
  • Anger is directed at the thing or person who is hated, or both.  Anger is destructive of everyone and everything that it touches.  It is most destructive of the angry person.

“We the People” must remember the behavior of our public servants last Tuesday and every day.  Then we must act on those memories on election day.  We must remember the difference between passion and anger.  Then at the 2018 midterm election in November, we must choose.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2018 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Saturday, January 16, 2016

CONSIDER THE DIFFERENCES (Politicians vs. Public Servants vs. Leaders)

Politician President
  • This is the pinnacle of my career and power.
  • I’m looking forward to the increased retirement and continuing benefits-perks.
  • I will work to fulfill the interests of those who voted for me.  
  • I will lead on the issues to implement my agenda and my party’s platform.
  • I will interpret the rules so that my actions are legal
  • I care about what is good for me, my party, and our viewpoint on the issues.

Public Servant President
  • I will do my best to put self last and America first. 
  • I will work hard to make a contribution, and then move on to give someone else the same opportunity.
  • This isn’t my career, and I look forward to returning to mine in private life as a citizen.
  • I am embarrassed by all the perks people want to give me.
  • I never take credit, but find out who really deserves it, and I give it to them.
  • I serve my constituents and will lead them toward consensus on the issues.

Leader President 
  • I will lead America toward fulfillment of its potential and destiny.
  • I lead all Americans whether they voted for me or not. 
  • I lead toward a vision not a position on an issue.
  • Leading is my service and my duty.
  • The only special interest that matters is America’s.
  • I will lead toward leaving America in better shape than she was in when I took office.  

Honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2016 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Practice Thinking: Duty Number ONE-SAFETY

“I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

When a newly elected President places his or her hand on the bible, and makes a sacred promise to protect the Constitution of the United States, that moves their duty to protect America to the front of the line and ahead of the many other things a President does in the job.

As voters, we have a responsibility too.  As we listen to the candidates, 1) we all hear what they say, 2) we consider the experience they bring, and  3) develop feelings about how we think they will perform in the job.  This is exactly what we’ve all experienced in seeking jobs for ourselves.  However, now we are doing the hiring.  We should be thoughtful and choose wisely.  The input into our thinking and feelings should be current or from history, but relevant.  In addition, the actions and results of a current President give input as we consider how we feel regarding America’s safety, and our personal safety.  This input shapes our expectations for the 2016 batch of candidates, and our expectations for their possible future performance, doesn’t it?

Well, so what!  OK, let’s take a real example and practice our thinking:  The current debate on gun control.  There are two very divided sides to this issue, and they are driven further apart by special interests and the politicians.  In any event, the President has chosen this issue as a point of focus, arguing with passion that it will bring increased safety to all of us in America.   The question for each of us as voters is, “WILL IT, REALLY?”  

To begin our “thinking practice,” lets look at this from two perspectives:  1) The big picture or national viewpoint, and 2) The local and more personal viewpoint.  Now ask.  Will compliance with the President’s executive orders make us more safe in fact as a nation, and should you choose to own a gun, make you personally feel more safe because you’ve followed the executive orders, or someone has?  Do you feel confident that others will comply as you might choose to do?  What about the bad guys?  What if they don’t comply?  These are tough questions, to which I’m not suggesting an answer.  I’m only asking you to ask the questions.  

I have faith in voter choices, and I have confidence that Americans will make the best decisions with their votes.  I really believe, and that belief forms the basis of the Voting Alert BeaconsDo you have the same confidence in your choices, and in the choices of your fellow Americans?  I hope so.

Still practicing, and on the issue of safety, let’s think bigger and give thought to what history might teach us.  Expand your thinking to look back at the serving President’s performance record on national safety.  Consider the following events:

  • Doubling the national deficit from $10 to $20 trillion (a key safety driver)
  • Continuing cuts in defense spending
  • Not putting the missile defense system in Eastern Europe
  • Watching as Russia invaded Crimea (later annexed) and the Ukraine
  • Not implementing by actions that contribute to energy independence
  • Benghazi
  • Releasing 6000 convicts from federal prisons
  • Iran nuclear agreement
  • Syrian refugees
  • Continued growth of ISIS
  • Not sealing the US borders
  • Not taking action on the Syrian chemical weapon redline
  • Early withdrawal of forces from Iraq
  • Plans to withdraw forces from Afghanistan
  • Releasing Guantanomo prisoners (with goal to close the prison)

The controversy around all and each of these continues to swirl.  We all have our own ideas and opinions about them, but let’s go back to my earlier question.  In terms of keeping America SAFE, do you think the serving President has properly balanced actions and responses in each, given how all of these connect to  each other to form a tapestry?  Is that tapestry a warm blanket of safety?  Is America safer?  Is there a unifying vision that runs through all of them?  Finally, finish the process by going back to the beginning, and ask yourself how you feel about gun control now.  Should it even be part of the same historical “tapestry and weave?”  Ask yourself how safe you might feel now if different actions had been taken along the way. 

OK, now carry the learnings and feelings you’ve gotten from this thought experiment, and look at the 2016 candidates.  Consider your choice carefully and be sure to vote!!!  

Honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2016 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Wednesday, August 05, 2015


I started to write another article about polls, but my thoughts drifted into many interweaving and related areas.  Finally, I ended up with notes comparing the thinking, activities and actions of politicians and public servants.  My list(s) are below.

I’m glad I took this detour given that the first Presidential debates are tomorrow.  In addition to using your Listen/Ignore table from yesterday’s post to keep score, ask yourself how each candidate rates according to the points below.  Are they a politician or a public servant?  By my count, there are only three candidates who can fairly call themselves public servants.  See what you think.

  • Pursues and accepts money from special interests, organizations and wealthy individuals in ever increasing amounts.
  • They like polls, and can make a negative poll look good, and use a positive poll for negative purposes.  Their focus on polls is strategic in terms of helping them divide voters into groups as they look for our votes.  The terms “divide and conquer” come to mind.
  • Use the influence that comes with their office and responsibilities for the benefit of special interests.
  • They view their elective office as a career with some taking the word incumbent to the next step of entitlement.
  • They are generally willing to sacrifice national progress to further their own interests, or that of the party.
  • Views “perks” of their office as required and deserved.  Always in the ready to create more.

Public Servant
  • Accepts campaign funding only from individual voters.
  • Ignores polls and talks directly with voters.  Their leadership and ideas are based on direct contact with their constituents and their imaginations.
  • Voters are the only special interest they serve, and use the influence of their office for.
  • They look forward to returning to the careers they left behind to serve in elective office.
  • Seek win-win, and compromise, in the interest of America and progress.
  • Pursue consensus in word and deed.
  • Happy with expense reimbursement and personal benefits during the time they serve, but they leave those behind when they return to their lives back home.
  • They have a retirement program back home, and don’t expect one as a result of their relatively brief public service.

DISCLAIMERThe lists above are mine, but I believe I could objectively find  numerous examples of each point.  Although, it would be more difficult for the public servant points.  Nonetheless, as a responsible voter, please form your own opinion(s), and then vote in secret.

Elective office is a public service opportunity, not a career!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2015 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Monday, August 03, 2015

IT’S THE IDEA! (without the word stupid)

Do you remember the phrase, “It’s the economy, stupid?”  I don’t recall who coined the phrase or which election, but it has resurfaced in most if not all the elections since it was first uttered.

I know of an economist whose articles I read on Facebook.  He has good ideas and thoughtful presentations.  They are worth listening to, thinking about, and otherwise absorbing.  Except, he surrounds his ideas with many negative comments about the other political party, accusing them of lying.  I’m not sure why he does this.  He causes a dark cloud of negativity to descend over his ideas, and they become lost.  

Guess what, the other party has good ideas too. We need competition between ideas, not between people.  We need public servants not politicians.  A public servant will look for the right question, and the matching solution, no matter where the trail leads.  A politician only sees the process as a sport and game to be won.  Even if they win occasionally, we voters always lose when we play their game.

Think about it this way.  Have you ever had an idea?  Whether you pass it on, or not, it’s alive, right?  In many ways, it is another one of your children, isn’t it?  It lives because of you, and it’s normal to feel like you want to protect it.  We put all our effort into helping our children develop until they can finally stand on their own two feet.  In the end, no matter how they grow, we always love them, right?  

  • Do you like it when someone or something attacks one of your children?
  • Do you like it when they say their children are somehow better than yours?
  • Aren’t all children beautiful and deserving?

Well, so are ideas!  Maybe, like we try to teach our children to work together, we can also find ways for our ideas to blend and strengthen each other.  The third option really can be the best option.

It’s the idea!  Think about it without the word “stupid.”

Honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!  Remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2015 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


We (the People) need to re-assert our rules in place of theirs (politicians).  Then, they either change their play, or, We quit giving them cards (our votes), and We deal them out of the game.  

The Voting Alert Beacons are the new rules.  They are a map for voters, and directions for how to play the game for those who want to serve America in elected public office.

Honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2015 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Government’s obligation to provide for the nations defense, and its safety, has been a core responsibility from the beginning.  For most of us, we think of safety in our cities, towns, neighborhoods and homes.  In that regard, the police and fire departments have always been our first line of defense, our friends and heroes.   When we have suffered public disturbances or mass crime in our cities, or when nature has unleashed her fury and destructive powers, we have relied on the “state guard” to restore the order, or keep order, as we put things back together.

I’m raising these issues now because soon we will be voting again to select a new set of leaders, and whether we are safe, and feel safe, has to do with selecting the right leaders.  I will also confess that for the firs time in my life as an American citizen, I’m not sure if I really do feel safe.  

As we continue to move into another election season, I am thinking carefully about the questions for which we need answers.  Using the Voting Alert Beacons as a guide, I will first look for candidates to think of the questions on their own.  Are they in touch with reality and me?  Then I will listen carefully to their answer.  I will carefully consider the details of their plan(s).  Does it answer the questions?  If they focus on criticizing other plans instead, then I will ignore them, and they won’t get my vote. 

OK, where do we start?  What questions should we begin with?  Well, for me the murder of Kate Steinle, the Chattanooga terrorist attack, and the recently signed nuclear agreement with Iran are good places to start.  They are recent.

Here’s my list.  Add your own questions and go from there.

Kate Steinle:
  • How is it possible that a felon with multiple convictions and deportations was released to walk freely in an American city?
  • In the midst of this tragedy, why must we watch local, state, and federal officials quarreling about who is to blame? Why can't they think more about how they broke their oaths to keep us safe?
  • Doesn’t responsibility start at the border?  How does a person like Kate’s murderer walk or transport himself easily back into the United States?  The border is well defined.  The objective is clear.  Why can’t we close it?  

The Chattanooga Terrorist Attack:
  • How is it possible that members of the most highly trained armed forces in the world through all of history were on duty without the means to protect themselves, and those around them?
  • How can we ever ask anyone, under any circumstance, to give an oath to preserves and protect the Constitution of the United States (which includes us), and at the same time leave them disarmed?
  • An ordinary citizen can carry a firearm in Chattanooga.  Why can’t an elite marine or sailor when they are on duty?
  • Generally, isn’t it common sense that those who wish to do us harm with think twice if they know we can, and will defend ourselves?

The Nuclear Agreement With Iran:
  • Why did we abandon all of our negotiation goals in the process of arriving at this agreement with Iran?
  • What happened to anytime and anywhere inspections?
  • Why would we ever want to willingly agree to lift the arms embargo on Iran, and permit them to develop missiles?
  • Why do we want to give them $150 billion dollars if their support of terrorism is clear?
  • If we want this agreement because it will help the common folks inside of Iran, why didn’t we just support their uprising in 2009?
  • What about the only democracy in the Middle East and our friend Israel?  Why are empowering neighbors who define their existence by the destruction of Israel?

OK, I gave you a few questions to start with.  Now think of more questions you’d like answers to.  We need to start asking our leaders for solid answers. 

In this election season, there will be much to think about and questions to ask.  As we ask the questions, and listen to the answers given, all of us will begin to develop “feelings” for what we should do as individuals, and who we should vote for.  Don’t hesitate to follow your feelings and vote accordingly.  After 200 million of us vote, the answer we provide will be more correct than any person or group of experts could ever be.

Let’s also practice looking for honesty and true public service.  By that I mean honesty in fact, and public service that causes our leaders to put us first, not themselves or their careers. Honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2015 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Candle In The Darkness

The “right to vote” is a fundamental reason for America’s past success and its bright future.  When we vote, we light a candle that burns brightly.  Its light spreads in all directions.  Indeed voting shines a light into the dark corners, and makes them visible for all to see.  When necessary, it is our tool to help us get the American ship back on course, and steer it out of the fog that occasionally descends.

The right to vote is also the “real” America Dream.  It’s not a house, or a job and a certain wage.  All of those things exist in other countries where there are no rights and dreams.  It is a basic act of self determination, and reflects on who we are as a nation.  Voting breaths life into our Constitution.  As a result, our Constitution is also extraordinary. 

In his remarks to the delegates of the United States Senate Youth Program on February 5, 1981, President Ronald Reagan said,

“I had a copy of the Soviet Constitution and I read it with great interest.  And I saw all kinds of terms in there that sounded just exactly like our own:  “Freedom of assembly” and freedom of speech” and so forth.  Of course, they don’t allow them to have those things, but they’re in there in the constitution.  But I began to wonder about the other constitutions --- everyone has one --- and our own, and why so much emphasis on ours.  And then I found out, and the answer was very simple.  That’s why you don’t notice it at first, but it is so great that it tells the entire difference.  All those other constitutions are documents that say that “We, the government, allow the people the following rights,” and our Constitution says “We, the people, allow the government the following privileges and rights.”

We give our permission to government to do the things that it does.  And that’s the whole story of the difference --- why we’re unique in the world and why no matter what our troubles may be, we’re going to overcome all those troubles --- and with your help and support because it’s an ongoing process.”

It seems that the current crop of public servants in Washington DC, and some in the various states have forgotten who they serve.  In fact, many seem to think that it is their job to “rule” instead of “serve.”  In the name of public service, many serve a favorite issue, a financial contributor or a political party and ideology.  As a result, they are driving the country on the left and right shoulders of the road.  The shoulders are bumpy and often extreme.  Either side insists that they are on the correct side of every issue.  In fact, neither side, left or right, is on the correct side.

So, it’s time to find new drivers who will drive us down the smooth middle of the road.  That time of decision is coming soon.  Hopefully, after the election in November 2014, the ride will start to even out.  For us as voters, the only important thing to do is for ALL of us to vote.  It won’t matter how each of us votes if we ALL vote.  The genius of America and the American Dream will shine once more.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2013 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.