Showing posts with label Congress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Congress. Show all posts

Sunday, June 24, 2018

RAW POWER and Politics (Not Immigration)

A good place to start on the issue of immigration is with how each of us think about our own homes.  America is no different. It is our national home. Basic principles about how we want to do immigration in America are identical with the common sense rules we apply to where we live.

Our homes are sovereign just like America.  We control the door and lock it sometimes.  Do we let people jump through windows to enter?  Or, break down a wall to invade?  Rarely, do we allow entrance to a stranger.  If they are with a trusted friend, perhaps (think Green Card).  When someone enters without permission, and they refuse to leave, we call the police (ICE).  In America, when the government wants to enter, they can do so only for narrow and good reasons.  There are strict procedures.  An order must be signed by a judge.  We wouldn’t dream of losing or given away control over who can enter our homes, would we?

Ironically, there are compelling reasons that we allow strangers into our American home.  Immigration has been critical to the growth and development of America through history.  This is still true.  However, those who come should want to melt into our “melting pot” and work hard to realize what America offers, and their own personal potential.  Immigrants should come for the American Way, not to create a fresh version of what they left behind.  They should come for what America is, not what they want to make it.

So far, this is common sense, isn’t it?  So why is there so much noise on the issue?  Well, the immigration issue as we read about it in the media really has nothing to do with immigrants.  It is about power and politics, not people.  The currency of the discussion (argument) is lie and deception, not truth and sound judgment.  Even voters who are in their 20’s, have lived long enough to see political leaders flip-flop on their positions.  It’s hard not to notice that they shift to the position which they believe will earn them more power.  At the same, as if on cue, the media seems incapable of helping to sustain a calm and reasonable national discussion.  Rather, the media seems to inflame and divide instead of reporting the facts, which we voters need to make a choice.  Perhaps, the politicians and the media have forgotten who chooses in America.  It’s time to remind them.

Also, before we vote, we voters should recall the difference between legal and illegal immigrants.  Legal immigrants enter through valid points of entry.  Depending on their individual situations, there are numerous visas they can apply for.  Because America is generous and sympathetic, we offer asylum to some who come from terrible places and terrible conditions.  In all cases, a legal immigrant is properly taking their first steps to becoming American citizens and realizing personal dreams through one of these processes.  

Illegal immigrants also want to enter America, but they choose to break our laws as their first step.  They don’t use legal points of entry.  They sneak across the wilderness.  If they are lucky enough to make it to America, there’s a good chance they’ll be deported.  Or, if they fall into the right category of illegal immigrant, they may receive more benefits than the legal immigrants, and in some cases then American citizens.

How to vote?  Vote as you would for your own house on this issue.  Don’t vote by party!  Vote for Congress people who will use and apply common sense.  Use your vote to affirm and renew the virtues of honesty and public service.  Who will do the best job?  If you are still hesitating, then vote for someone who sounds reasonable, isn’t filled will hate or disrespect for other people, and is new and fresh.  Someone who has never served before.

In writing calmly and reasonably about immigration I hope by example we can all respectfully use our 1st Amendment right of free expression to add positively to the discussion.  However, with the right comes the responsibility to listen.  Even more, listening must mean we are willing to change.  We must be willing to let the other person, or the other argument, or the other viewpoint change us.  If we all come with that commitment, we will indeed meet in “the middle of the road,” and continue building an incredibly strong Common Sense for America.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2018 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Thursday, June 29, 2017


Last week the special election in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District caused me to make changes to Voting Alert Beacons #3 and #5, Listen/Ignore and The Money respectively.  WHY?  

First, some facts.  The final round election was held on June 20th after a primary which included a slew of Democrats and Republicans.  However, in the April 18th primary, no one garnered more than 50% of the vote.  So, the run-off election ensued between Democrat Jon Ossoff and Republican Karen Handel.  It was a closely watched campaign with heated debate on the issues of our day.  However, two facts caught my eye.  Jon Ossoff doesn’t live in the district he proposed to represent, and more money was spent in this race then ever before in any Congressional District race.  There are several numbers floating around, but a common figure seems to be $50 million plus.  WHEW!  The alarming factor is that the lion’s share of this money came from outside the 6th District.  Many PACS and special interests contributed, along with vast sums from both New York and California.

This has happened before.  Sometimes people who don’t live in the State, Congressional districts, or state legislative districts run for office in those same areas, and are supported by money from the “outside.”  When this happens, the local elections are influenced by national special interests and power brokers.  So, specifically we’re left to conclude, and it’s not a reach to see, there is little difference between what happened in the 6th District and the apparent Russian interference in the 2016 national elections.  WHY WOULD ONE BE ACCEPTABLE AND THE OTHER NOT?

Here’s what I changed:

Beacon #3 Listen / Ignore:  Regardless of local laws, IGNORE candidates who don't live in your State, Congressional district, or state legislative district.

Beacon #5 The Money:  DON'T vote for candidates who accept money from outside your State, Congressional district, or state legislative district.

Simple and logical, right?  The power of each vote we cast and all of them together is immense.  Don't forget!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2017 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Thursday, March 03, 2016


Dear President Obama,

I have heard and read reports of your efforts to reach out to leaders in Congress concerning the open seat on the US Supreme Court.  In spite of your efforts, it appears that Mr. McConnell and the Republican caucus in the Senate are still determined to wait until the next President takes office, and sends them a nomination.  Apparently, they feel that in choosing a new President, the American people will also be choosing the next nominee for the court.  I can imagine that this fills you with frustration, and yes, while I don’t agree with it, I can also see the map of thinking by a Republican Majority Leader.  It is not without logic, but I’m not sure it serves the country very well.  So, what do you do? 

U.S. Supreme Court

I have an idea about what you can do on this issue.  I believe my idea resonates with both your position as President, and your skills as a constitutional professor and a very capable public speaker.  Frankly, I believe it connects with your passions, and many of your core beliefs as I understand them.  So, what is my idea?

Leave the “fight” behind on filling the open US Supreme Court position, and take the high ground.  Begin a persistent conversation with the America people about the US Constitution, and the US Supreme Court.  In this campaign season, make this your campaign.  Become a professor to the nation on this issue, and these topics.  Calmly remind us of the steps required to fill the open seat, and where responsibility for each step lies.  Resist sarcasm and embrace sincerity.  Through history lessons, remind us what qualifications and attributes the greatest justices brought to the bench.  President Kennedy gave a speech with similar intent on the topic of peace at American University on June 10, 1963.  He was eloquent as I believe you can be.  

Rise above the partisanship and tug of war between the Democratic and Republican parties.  Ignore the special interests.  Focus on helping America find a new justice who will do their part in fair constitutional interpretation, and writing good law.  Then after all of this, you may find that the American people will tell both the Republicans and the Democrats in the Senate that they should consider a nomination by you.  Or, at least you will know that if you are unable to submit a nominee, you have prepared the ground by raising the bar of excellence so that the next President will have to meet a high standard with their nominee.  The American people will require it. 

I know these suggestions and my thoughts are unconventional, but all of us are longing for quiet steady leadership.  If you will give us this leadership, you will be as a  “father to the nation,” and be taking steps which will unite us.  You are clearly a loving husband to First Lady Michelle, and a dedicated father to Sasha and Milia.  So, I believe this role will feel comfortable to you.  By leading in this way, you will be laying the corner stones and building blocks of a great appointment, whoever makes it.  Spend the time with all of us in America to build our expectations for excellence.  Then it’s up to us.  I believe in America as you do, and I don’t think we’ll let you down.

President Obama, great Presidents are remembered for how they lead the country, not their party. Leaders don’t always do what is expected.  That’s why they are leaders.  Do the unexpected.

God bless you and God bless America, 

David W. Wygant

Copyright © 2016 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved. 

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

COMMENT AND QUESTION: The Search for Truth


In a Voting Alert Beacons post on May 17, 2014, I discussed the virtues of truth and honesty.   Following is a portion of what I wrote:  

Truth can be found in the alignment of our senses with ideas and viewpoints that are supported by facts.  To pursue the truth we need to use our intellect, our spirit and all of our powers of intention.   It has always been a quest, and still is.

Outside of a way of living, talking about something, or in taking an action, honesty doesn’t mean much.  However, it is everything when our lives, the words we speak, and the actions we take line up perfectly with the truth.  The truth, not from only our point of view, but from point of view of others, too.  Our honesty isn’t so much about ourselves as it is about how we treat others, the actions we take, and what we give of ourselves to the world around us.”

It is perhaps the most important goal for us as citizens that the public servants we elect are truthful and honest.  This is not only true for how we work together as Americans, but it is equally true for how we treat the world around us, especially our closest friends and allies.  An example the world is currently experiencing is the conflict between Israel and Hamas (it’s not between Israel and the Palestinian people).

Two days ago, I posted another “Comment and Question” about Hamas and the lack of support President Obama, Secretary Kerry and the administration are showing Israel.  I also included comment about Britain, Germany and France, and how weak they are at this point in history as evil seems to be emerging everywhere.  Lastly, I questioned the Media in terms of factual and unbiased reporting.  The Media as a group generally claims that they are presenting all the facts and reporting with no bias.  Well, maybe not.  

Somehow the truth seems to emerge eventually though. Today, I found several videoclips (Facebook and Twitter) that are factual, truthful and simple.  See what you think.


President Obama, have you done your homework?  Did you view the above videoclips?  Has this kind of information been presented to you in your intelligence briefings?  If you haven’t seen this kind of information before, as President, have you fixed the problem for the future?

Secretary Kerry, why did you even think it was a good idea to negotiate with Hamas?  You realize that they are on our American (and most other countries) terrorist organization list, right?  Do you understand that the strongest negotiating position is always from truth and honesty?  

Media, I asked in my post two days ago why no one seemed to be able to find information about what Hamas is doing on the ground.  Others, not in the media, seem to find information.  Why haven’t you?  Why do you interview Hamas leaders and members?  Why do you give a listed terrorist organization a “microphone?”  Do you realize that if you were a company doing business with Hamas, it would be illegal?  I’m not at all in favor of limited the Media and curtailing the First Amendment, but can’t you just present all the sides with more truth and honesty?


Now and in the future, when we cast our votes and elect public servants, let’s work harder at finding people who will serve with truth and honesty.  If it’s the President, lets elect someone who will lead from the “high ground.”  If it’s Congress, let’s elect people who begin with truth and honesty as they find common ground to work together from, and solve problems.

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Below is a partial list of national issues that have ganged up on America in the past few years.  They are all related and interconnected.  Individually and collectively they challenge America.  They belong to each of us as individual voters, and to all of us as a nation.

As our next voting opportunity soon approaches, we need to find public servants and leaders who are willing to take them up as opportunities that continue to take the American success story forward into the future.  While everyone who we elect won’t agree on how to solve each individual challenge, everyone should at least carry the same list on their “napkin.”  Everyone should approach their leadership opportunity as a chance to show how they think these issues interlock, and how they can do their part in keeping America’s future bright.

The biggest challenge America faces today is that not even one leader from the top to the bottom of the ladder has all of these are their napkin. 

How would things be different now in the world order and in America if our leaders in Congress and the Executive Branch had and were all carrying this same list on their “napkins?”  What if they worked for the good of their communities and for America using the principle that says, “If I take care of my brother and sister, then I will be well cared for.”  This principle certainly doesn’t reflect current reality, but it could.

Here’s the list:
  • Bombed Syria immediately after confirming they had used chemical weapons?
  • Organized a special select committee to investigate Benghazi as soon as it had happened?
  • Compromised toward consensus with Obamacare?
  • Deployed the missile shield as planned in Poland?
  • Funded NASA enough to keep an independent astronaut launch capacity?  Let’s not forget that our trip to the moon gave us our current life.
  • Find consensus on the gun issue consistent with the 2nd Amendment and the need to protect our citizens?
  • Passed consensus legislation that serves our national security, is compassionate in how we treat humans and recognizes that the strength of America is in our new immigrants?
  • Thought clarity about the severe NSA intrusion into our privacy rights versus our need for security.
  • Natural gas development.
  • Keystone pipeline construction.
  • National debt.
  • Balanced budget.
  • Middle east peace.
  • Iran nukes.
  • Middle East democracies and despots.
  • Liberty and opportunity.
  • Campaign finance.
  • The IRS scandal.
  • The Veteran Affairs health care scandal.

If we all vote and use the Voting Alert Beacons, we can restore common  sense to our government, we can thank and say goodbye to the politicians forever, and welcome a new cast of public servants and leaders.

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.