Showing posts with label All Vote. Show all posts
Showing posts with label All Vote. Show all posts

Thursday, August 13, 2020

THE TALE OF TWO WOLVES (A Guide for Voting)

At all levels of government, a lot is said.  There’s a lot of talk.  Especially, during campaigns candidates make many promises (how many are kept?). 

With this in mind, it’s best to watch what is done, and what is accomplished.  Promises are always kept through actions!  This is key to how we vote. Look at what has been done, and what has been accomplished. 

Also, ask questions.  Because of policies and decisions made by the government, is your life better than it was?  If so, then vote for that to continue.  If not, then vote for something else, or someone else.  All of this is like feeding the wolves.

How do voters feed the wolves?

  • With our time
  • By ignoring one or the other way.  Thereby implicitly making the other stronger.
  • With our money.
  • With our attention.

Demonstrate the power of your vote.  Vote for vision and positive actions.  Ignore the words.


. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © [2020] by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Thursday, October 04, 2018

IF by Rudyard Kipling

Written in earlier times when the use of pronouns was too one-sided, the message at that time, and the message for us today is the same.  

Image result for rudyard kipling ifHow do we keep calm when times are not calm?  How do we keep our faith when so many seem to have lost theirs?  How do we keep a steady focus when there is so much “noise” and “dust in the air?”  Indeed, how do we decide anything when those who claim honesty are the loudest, and they offer lies disguised as the truth?  In his poem IF, Rudyard Kipling offers a compass to help us find our way.

We should live by our own wits, seek the truth, count on the truth and live by the truth, have dreams and keep them close, know that there are trap-setters for fools — don’t be a fool, don’t worry about failure — be ready to start over, never quit — that you are human will sustain you, count on mankind — but count on yourself more, and fill every second of your life with all of your effort.

If you can keep your head when all about you   
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,   
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting too;   
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
    And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;   
    If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;   
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two impostors just the same;   
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
    And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
    And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
    To serve your turn long after they are gone,   
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
    Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,   
    Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
    If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
    With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,   
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,   
    And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!


. . .  and as we do, remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2018 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Thursday, June 29, 2017


Last week the special election in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District caused me to make changes to Voting Alert Beacons #3 and #5, Listen/Ignore and The Money respectively.  WHY?  

First, some facts.  The final round election was held on June 20th after a primary which included a slew of Democrats and Republicans.  However, in the April 18th primary, no one garnered more than 50% of the vote.  So, the run-off election ensued between Democrat Jon Ossoff and Republican Karen Handel.  It was a closely watched campaign with heated debate on the issues of our day.  However, two facts caught my eye.  Jon Ossoff doesn’t live in the district he proposed to represent, and more money was spent in this race then ever before in any Congressional District race.  There are several numbers floating around, but a common figure seems to be $50 million plus.  WHEW!  The alarming factor is that the lion’s share of this money came from outside the 6th District.  Many PACS and special interests contributed, along with vast sums from both New York and California.

This has happened before.  Sometimes people who don’t live in the State, Congressional districts, or state legislative districts run for office in those same areas, and are supported by money from the “outside.”  When this happens, the local elections are influenced by national special interests and power brokers.  So, specifically we’re left to conclude, and it’s not a reach to see, there is little difference between what happened in the 6th District and the apparent Russian interference in the 2016 national elections.  WHY WOULD ONE BE ACCEPTABLE AND THE OTHER NOT?

Here’s what I changed:

Beacon #3 Listen / Ignore:  Regardless of local laws, IGNORE candidates who don't live in your State, Congressional district, or state legislative district.

Beacon #5 The Money:  DON'T vote for candidates who accept money from outside your State, Congressional district, or state legislative district.

Simple and logical, right?  The power of each vote we cast and all of them together is immense.  Don't forget!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2017 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Monday, February 27, 2017


I wrote the first Voting Alert Beacons post on March 26, 2012.  A lot has happened in America and the World since I wrote that post.  To the point of voting and governing this great land, there have been two Presidential elections and a mid-term election, not to mention scores of local and state elections.  

Along the way, the Beacons have grown and matured.  I’ve added a couple Beacons and fine tuned several.  Through it all, my belief in the power of each individual vote, the wisdom of a voting America, and the increasing brilliance of America’s star has only grown stronger.  

Even now as all public talk seems filled with vitriol and petty differences, and the two major parties are entangled in some kind of grand intramural competition, we are all bearing witness to great American history in the making.  For the first time, someone not a career politician has been elected President.  It doesn’t matter that it was Donald J. Trump.  It matters that it happened at all.  It is a bugle cry to a core belief of mine.  A belief that drove me to create the Voting Alert Beacons in the first place.  

I believe that elected office is a public service opportunity, not a career.  That belief is embodied in the Voting Alert Beacons vision below:
  • Work toward the day when, through high voter turnout in our elections, we realize once again the genius of our combined American intelligence.  
  • Give rise to a new higher standard of civil service and servant leadership.  
  • Turn the tide on negative campaigning, and the influence of money and polls, so that elections become events of national renewal.  
  • Strike the bell beginning a new period of enlightenment in the American democracy that will ring for millennia to come. 
  • Renew and fulfill the original American Dream, the right to vote, for all her citizens, so that America continues to shine as a beacon for the world.

Let us always remember that honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2017 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Monday, August 01, 2016


When I was a young boy, I remember my father telling me a story about the difference between contribution and commitment.  I know many parents have told this story to their children.  Quite possibly yours told you too. 

I don’t recall if we were actually at breakfast when he told it, but growing up eggs and bacon were a standard breakfast.  He said something like the following:

“Dave, it’s important for you to know the difference between contributions and commitments.  I hope in your life you make many of both to our world.  Think of them this way.  When we have eggs and bacon at breakfast, look at your plate and know that the chicken made a contribution and a pig made a commitment.  Son, as your father, I hope you do both, but if you are ever called to making a commitment, I hope you will.”

That story has been with me all these many years.  Here’s what I think it means now.

We make a contribution when we: Pay taxes, do some public service, obey the law, support our democracy, if we protest something — we do it peacefully, and always look for a chance to help someone in need.

We make a commitment if we:  Serve or have served in the military, go daily to our duties as a police officer or fireman, make the ultimate sacrifice and give our life in the afore mentioned, or WHEN WE VOTE.

As with the pig, commitment sometimes rises to the level of sacrifice of one’s life.  Many Americans before us have paid this highest price.  


Let us always remember that honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2016 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Saturday, July 02, 2016


MY FELLOW AMERICANS, this day and this age calls us.    Everything we want and all that we need IS in front of us, but we must focus on its potential, and embrace it.  

So, it’s time for us, “WE THE PEOPLE”  to quiet our voices and become calm.  It’s time for “WE THE PEOPLE” to increase the volume of our VOTES.  Whether we are liberal or conservative, left or right, man or woman, young or old, no matter our color, no matter our language, no matter our religion, and no matter what divides us or makes us different from each other, it’s time for all of us to put aside these labels and just be Americans in the United States of America.  It’s time for each of us to awaken our sense of CIVIC responsibility and become “WE THE PEOPLE” again.

Please enjoy this Home Free a cappella arrangement of "God Bless the USA" by Lee Greenwood.

Have a great and safe Fourth of July!

Let us always remember that honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2016 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Tuesday, March 01, 2016


Ted Cruz is right when he says, 

The power of the American people, when we rise up and stand for liberty, knows no bounds.

However, what he and the rest of the candidates, both Republican and Democratic, right and left, liberal and conservative, man and woman, black and white, don’t understand is that we’re looking for a leader who will bring us together.   We are looking for an honest public servant who will serve only one special interest, OURS.  We are looking for a leader who can look to the brights stars that light our future, and take us to them.  We haven’t seen the next President of the United States yet, but surely we will in time.

Now, we should become calm and thoughtful.  We should lesson the volume of our voices and prepare to increase the volume of our votes.  This time, every eligible voter must vote.

When we raise our voices through our votes, on the same day, we vote together as a country.  Counted one at a time, our voices sound very different.  We are a country of many different points of view.  However, through voting we harmonize with each other in the song we sing.   The more people who vote, the more harmonic the melody becomes, and we become the greatest acapella choir of all time.  Our best decisions in voting result from our diversity as a country, and when we exert the personal independence and liberty we all enjoy as Americans.  

Our decisions shine brightest when we have faith, in both our diversity and independence, and we follow our faith. The act of voting turns our heads to the future causing us to imagine new possibilities, and energizing us with the hope they bring.

Let us always remember that honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2016 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Sunday, January 10, 2016


I've written before about the focus only on FREEDOM and "OUR RIGHTS" that many in America see as the beginning and end of our civic discussions. My earlier writings have emphasized how critical the fulfillment of our "RESPONSIBILITIES" are to the full realization of our rights. You may remember my story of a potbelly stove and the person begging for heat without first doing the work needed to provide the fuel. There is something else which we need to discuss. Freedom is worth very little without this thing.

That thing is LIBERTY. In a phrase, liberty is the lifeblood of freedom. The flow of Liberty through our democracy gives freedom and our  rights effect. This flow of liberty moves the oxygen of self-determination just as our blood provides this life sustaining gas to every part of our bodies.
So, when we see our government at any level (but particularly at the federal level) pass laws and regulations to "govern" any part of our existence we should think carefully whether "we are OK" with that move. Without a doubt, government needs to do certain things. Those basic things are laid out quite nicely in the US Constitution. That document is the contract we have with each other whereby we give up a certain amount of liberty to receive the listed benefits. In the current context, national defense comes to mind.

In any event, we need to avoid that circumstance where our government is doing a poor job in those areas where it should be active (like keeping us safe), and at the same time, becoming active in areas it shouldn't be involved in (like personal rights). The most important thing to remember is that we voters are the government. It is us, not a separate entity. If we don't like what's going on, then the first step is  to look in the mirror and blame that person. Then use that feeling as motivation to VOTE in fulfill our most basic civic responsibility.

Honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2016 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


We (the People) need to re-assert our rules in place of theirs (politicians).  Then, they either change their play, or, We quit giving them cards (our votes), and We deal them out of the game.  

The Voting Alert Beacons are the new rules.  They are a map for voters, and directions for how to play the game for those who want to serve America in elected public office.

Honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2015 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Thursday, July 23, 2015


Government’s obligation to provide for the nations defense, and its safety, has been a core responsibility from the beginning.  For most of us, we think of safety in our cities, towns, neighborhoods and homes.  In that regard, the police and fire departments have always been our first line of defense, our friends and heroes.   When we have suffered public disturbances or mass crime in our cities, or when nature has unleashed her fury and destructive powers, we have relied on the “state guard” to restore the order, or keep order, as we put things back together.

I’m raising these issues now because soon we will be voting again to select a new set of leaders, and whether we are safe, and feel safe, has to do with selecting the right leaders.  I will also confess that for the firs time in my life as an American citizen, I’m not sure if I really do feel safe.  

As we continue to move into another election season, I am thinking carefully about the questions for which we need answers.  Using the Voting Alert Beacons as a guide, I will first look for candidates to think of the questions on their own.  Are they in touch with reality and me?  Then I will listen carefully to their answer.  I will carefully consider the details of their plan(s).  Does it answer the questions?  If they focus on criticizing other plans instead, then I will ignore them, and they won’t get my vote. 

OK, where do we start?  What questions should we begin with?  Well, for me the murder of Kate Steinle, the Chattanooga terrorist attack, and the recently signed nuclear agreement with Iran are good places to start.  They are recent.

Here’s my list.  Add your own questions and go from there.

Kate Steinle:
  • How is it possible that a felon with multiple convictions and deportations was released to walk freely in an American city?
  • In the midst of this tragedy, why must we watch local, state, and federal officials quarreling about who is to blame? Why can't they think more about how they broke their oaths to keep us safe?
  • Doesn’t responsibility start at the border?  How does a person like Kate’s murderer walk or transport himself easily back into the United States?  The border is well defined.  The objective is clear.  Why can’t we close it?  

The Chattanooga Terrorist Attack:
  • How is it possible that members of the most highly trained armed forces in the world through all of history were on duty without the means to protect themselves, and those around them?
  • How can we ever ask anyone, under any circumstance, to give an oath to preserves and protect the Constitution of the United States (which includes us), and at the same time leave them disarmed?
  • An ordinary citizen can carry a firearm in Chattanooga.  Why can’t an elite marine or sailor when they are on duty?
  • Generally, isn’t it common sense that those who wish to do us harm with think twice if they know we can, and will defend ourselves?

The Nuclear Agreement With Iran:
  • Why did we abandon all of our negotiation goals in the process of arriving at this agreement with Iran?
  • What happened to anytime and anywhere inspections?
  • Why would we ever want to willingly agree to lift the arms embargo on Iran, and permit them to develop missiles?
  • Why do we want to give them $150 billion dollars if their support of terrorism is clear?
  • If we want this agreement because it will help the common folks inside of Iran, why didn’t we just support their uprising in 2009?
  • What about the only democracy in the Middle East and our friend Israel?  Why are empowering neighbors who define their existence by the destruction of Israel?

OK, I gave you a few questions to start with.  Now think of more questions you’d like answers to.  We need to start asking our leaders for solid answers. 

In this election season, there will be much to think about and questions to ask.  As we ask the questions, and listen to the answers given, all of us will begin to develop “feelings” for what we should do as individuals, and who we should vote for.  Don’t hesitate to follow your feelings and vote accordingly.  After 200 million of us vote, the answer we provide will be more correct than any person or group of experts could ever be.

Let’s also practice looking for honesty and true public service.  By that I mean honesty in fact, and public service that causes our leaders to put us first, not themselves or their careers. Honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2015 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Friday, November 14, 2014

HELL NO, the Voters Aren’t Stupid

The voters ARE the government!  The government exists at our pleasure!  

On November 4th, not enough of us voted, but the results echoed throughout the land.  

It doesn’t matter what party or politic you call your own.  Honesty, truth, humility, competence, and a genuine desire to “serve through service” must be the “battle cries” of all our elected public servants.

No matter your view or politic, President Reagan cuts to the core truth about Americans, who we are as Americans, and what are job is as voters.

We voted, now we must watch.  Soon we must vote again.

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Rest of Us Party (TROUP)

What would happen if all eligible voters followed through on their responsibility to vote?  

Without making partisan guesses based on the issues, what new things can we “imagine” happening.  Of course, both major parties always work on voter turnout  to enlarge their bases and thereby win elections.  Nonetheless, their efforts are usually marginal at best.  Again, the question is, what if all (100%) of us just went to the polls and voted?  The answer is that we would create a NEW MATH.  

The standard (old) math includes approximate counts for the number of democrats and the number of republicans.  Also included is some number for independents and minor party voters.  

Here are the approximate big numbers for the NEW MATH:

72 million democrats
55 million Republicans
88 million “The Rest of Us Party” (TROUP)

215 million total eligible voters.

I can imagine a few specific changes that might occur.  What can you imagine?

  • TROUP would bring the discussions on the issues back to the middle.
  • Instead of driving over the speed bumps on the shoulders of the “road,” and shaking the country apart, we would begin traveling more smoothly down the “middle of the road.”
  • We would begin to replace “politicians” with “public servants.”
  • Special interests would have less influence.  As a result, some of the money would be taken out of the system.
  • Finally, the “best and brightest” would run for public office again.

Beacons #6 and #7 hold the key.  Be sure to vote and keep your vote a secret.  With these two Beacons and the NEW MATH, we can really change the system for the better, and drive the politicians crazy!

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Voting Does Make a Difference — IF WE

The real enemy the American democracy faces is apathy among we voters.  Where apathy exists, it is an expression of frustration with government at many levels and a feeling of powerlessness to do anything about it. 

Here’s the IF WE

The Voting Alert Beacons is a simple process that does three basic things:  1) Stop negative campaigning, 2) Take the money (special interest) influence out of our government, and 3)  Attract the “best and brightest” people back into public service.



So, what do you say?  Lets change a few things!

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Minnesota Primary Results

Yesterday, August 12th, 2014, the Minnesota primary election was held.  Current reporting is indicating that only slightly less than 10% of the eligible voters cast a vote.  According to predictions, this seems to be what everyone expected.  The reasons given are classic:  Midterm election, Disinterest or disgust in politics generally, or maybe in Minnesota we’re doing pretty well according to some.  For better or for worst, depending on your point of view, the budget is in balance at the moment, and our unemployment rate is generally low.  Of course, if you don’t have a job, you wouldn’t consider pretty low as good enough.  Nonetheless, and in any event, the primary election results are now in.

Let’s look closely at the statewide races.  This year in Minnesota the statewide top of the ticket race for Governor is between Mark Dayton (incumbent-Democrat) and Jeff Johnson (challenger-Republican).  The race for U.S. Senator from Minnesota is between Al Franken (incumbent-Democrat) and Michael McFadden (challenger-Republican).  Now the candidates reset their clocks and begin campaigning to win the election in November.

It’s also time for we voters to reset our clocks and watch what the candidates do next.  Let’s get into the habit of using the Voting Alert Beacons.  We can start with the core Beacons:  Beacon #3:  Listen/Ignore, Beacon #4: The Polls, and Beacon #5:  The Money.

Beacon #3:  Listen/Ignore

Go back to the Voting Alert Beacons blog and review the detail of this step.  At its core is that we want to only listen to what the candidate says about themselves, their positions on the issues and what they plan to do.  Ignore everything else they say.  To begin, check the candidate’s websites.

Beacon #4:  The Polls

This is about what you shouldn’t do.  I know that sounds negative, but it’s important not to read polls and not to participate.  When a candidate’s representative call you, a polling company appears, or the media interrupts your day, just say no.

Beacon #5:  The Money

Let’s start with the numbers as of the end of July (see below).  This information comes from the Federal Election Committee and from the state of Minnesota.  Generally, it’s what we might expect (not saying this is OK).  The incumbent has a lot more money in total and they have a lot more money from PACs and special interests.  Again, review Beacon #5 and remember the ideal candidate won’t take money from special interest groups and only smaller amounts from individuals.

Minnesota Governor Candidates

Mark Dayton
Individual  $549,437.07
Lobbyists  $11,540.00
PACs  $41,446.86

Jeff Johnson
Individual  $204,640.29
Lobbyists  $2,898.40
PACs  $1,050.00

Minnesota Senate Candidates

Al Franken
Individual  $12,442,034.00
PAC  $1,003,139.00
Candidate  $0.00
Other  $1,680,395.00

Michael McFadden
Individual  $3,147,166.00
PAC  $249,500.00
Candidate  $5,200.00
Other  $2,448.00

NOTE:  There is a lot more money in the senate race because contributors (individual and special interest) from all over the country send money.  Human nature being what it is, the result is that whoever our Senator is really doesn’t faithfully represent Minnesota, as they should.

OK, VOTERS, let’s get to work.  Let’s get ready to vote in November by following the Voting Alert Beacons along the way.

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Did You VOTE In Your Primary Today?

Today was “primary voting” day in Minnesota.  If you are having a primary in your state today, did you vote on your way to work?  If not yet, be sure to find time later.  Check to see when your polls close ASAP. 


Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Saturday, June 21, 2014


We all have different gifts and skills.  We have all been blessed with different experiences that enrich each of us, and collectively bless us as a nation.  We are indeed blessed as a nation in spite of our many individual differences because of the “right to vote.”  Ultimately, the right to vote is the glue that binds us and unites us.  It was won for us several hundred years ago by our Fore Fathers and they memorialized the right in the U.S. Constitution where it says, “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union …”  We enjoy it not because of any of our own actions, but because of the actions of those who came before.

It is up to each of us to use the right to vote, to exercise it, and to pass it on to our children.  Isn’t it sad that some choose not to vote, and thereby diminish the right by one more increment?  

In MY CREED below, Mr. Alfange offers his perspective on America and what it means to be an American.  He speaks directly about a few rights, and many of his own choices.  The right to vote is basic and indispensable for everything he expresses. 

MY CREED Dean Alfange (Flying "W" Ranch)

I do not choose to be a common man. It is my right to be uncommon. I seek opportunity to develop whatever talents God gave me, not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me. I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of utopia. I will not trade freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a handout. I will never cower before any earthly master nor bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid; to think and act myself, enjoy the benefit of my creations and to face the world boldly and say-----"This , with God's help, I have done." 

All this is what it means to be an American.

Vote, please vote!  Voting is basic to what it means to be an American.  By every vote made we buy more “stock” in our future individually and collectively as a nation.

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Sunday, April 27, 2014


On the CNN news website today, Julian Zelizer posted an opinion article that raised very serious questions about the health of democracy in America because of the influence of money.   It’s hard not to feel a little apprehension after reading it.

In the first paragraph, Mr. Zelizer identifies the problem and underlines its seriousness.  Throughout the article he recalls the history of how we “got here.”  He states what all of us know to be true based on what we see happening around us.

It is the season to act!

We voters can do something about this problem.  We can fix it one vote at a time (THINK THE POWER OF ONE).  Voting Alert Beacon #5 drives a stake through the heart of special interests money, and their effect on our democracy.

It’s very simple!  First we all need to vote.  Second, if we follow the basic steps that the Voting Alert Beacons lay out in making our selections in the voting booth, we can shut down the special interest money like a water faucet that doesn’t leak.

Some would say that the Beacons are too simple.  I would say that is the very reason why they will work cleanly and effectively with dramatic effects.

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.