Showing posts with label Vision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vision. Show all posts

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Detroit’s $500 House

“WE THE PEOPLE” are at our best when we work together.  Everywhere in America, on a daily basis, civic responsibility and community service are flourishing.  The virtue of stubborn persistence, in the face of never ending obstacles, quietly erupts one person at a time in the march forward toward a better future.  We don’t need the media to highlight these moments, because they are all around us.

Drew Philp is a shining example of one of us (WE THE PEOPLE).  The introduction to his TED Talk concisely explains why:  

“In 2009, journalist and screenwriter Drew Philp bought a ruined house in Detroit for $500. In the years that followed, as he gutted the interior and removed the heaps of garbage crowding the rooms, he didn't just learn how to repair a house -- he learned how to build a community. In a tribute to the city he loves, Philp tells us about "radical neighborliness" and makes the case that we have ‘the power to create the world anew together and to do it ourselves when our governments refuse.’”

After viewing this video and hearing Drew’s story, I felt filled with hope again.  I remembered again, that America and Americans aren’t what we read about in all the media sources these days.  We are much different.  We are what we’ve always been.  Forward looking, generous, and “never quitters.”  I hope this message inspires you too!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2018 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Sunday, October 29, 2017

BEACON OF HOPE - John F. Kennedy On Hope

President Kennedy was many things.  That he could leave us with so much to remember him by, in the short time he was President before his assassination only, speaks to his immense capacity to lead.   

That he could rise to meet the challenges of his time highlights the same courage and determination he used to become a war hero.  That he could speak of a bright future and take actions to bring it closer demonstrates his vision.  However, there is one underlying virtue which informed everything that he was and did.  It is his sense of HOPE.  

View this video clip and see if you might also think he wrote and spoke it all for our times.  He probably didn’t, but he could have because his sense of HOPE was timeless.  

As you start a new week, I HOPE you will go forth optimistically in everything, and that you will pass it on to everyone you meet.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2017 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Sunday, September 10, 2017

BEACON OF HOPE - Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

It's a fateful moment in history. We've seen divisive elections, divided societies and the growth of extremism -- all fueled by anxiety and uncertainty. "Is there something we can do, each of us, to be able to face the future without fear?" asks Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks. 

His Answer:  "We can face any future without fear so long s we know we will not face it alone.  For the sake of the future you, together let us strengthen the future us."

In this electrifying talk, the spiritual leader gives us three specific ways we can move from the politics of "me" to the politics of "all of us, together."

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2017 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Saturday, May 06, 2017



In almost every post I make to the Voting Alert Beacons Blog, I mention or call out the importance of fulfilling our personal responsibilities to ourselves, our families, our communities, and America, our country.  I will continue to do so in future posts.  However, nothing I’ve written, or I will write, will be as eloquent or on target as Michael Jackson’s song, “Man in the Mirror.”  It is a true Beacon of Hope.

My call to responsibility ensures that our America Freedoms continue and that the Voting Alert Beacons Vision is realized.

Voting Alert Beacons Vision

  • Work toward the day when, through high voter turnout in our elections, we realize once again the genius of our combined American intelligence.  
  • Give rise to a new higher standard of civil service and servant leadership.  
  • Turn the tide on negative campaigning, and the influence of money and polls, so that elections become events of national renewal.  
  • Strike the bell beginning a new period of enlightenment in the American democracy that will ring for millennia to come. 
  • Renew and fulfill the original American Dream, the right to vote, for all her citizens, so that America continues to shine as a beacon for the world.

God Bless America!!!
. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2017 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Sunday, April 30, 2017

BEACON OF HOPE - MLK by Kid President

The story of Martin Luther King Jr. by Kid President

What we do today, the things we say and actions we take, build our many tomorrows.  Things don't and won't always be perfect, but like Martin Luther King Jr, with love in our hearts and a clear vision of a better tomorrow, we must always relentless move forward.  God Bless America!!!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2017 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Monday, February 27, 2017


I wrote the first Voting Alert Beacons post on March 26, 2012.  A lot has happened in America and the World since I wrote that post.  To the point of voting and governing this great land, there have been two Presidential elections and a mid-term election, not to mention scores of local and state elections.  

Along the way, the Beacons have grown and matured.  I’ve added a couple Beacons and fine tuned several.  Through it all, my belief in the power of each individual vote, the wisdom of a voting America, and the increasing brilliance of America’s star has only grown stronger.  

Even now as all public talk seems filled with vitriol and petty differences, and the two major parties are entangled in some kind of grand intramural competition, we are all bearing witness to great American history in the making.  For the first time, someone not a career politician has been elected President.  It doesn’t matter that it was Donald J. Trump.  It matters that it happened at all.  It is a bugle cry to a core belief of mine.  A belief that drove me to create the Voting Alert Beacons in the first place.  

I believe that elected office is a public service opportunity, not a career.  That belief is embodied in the Voting Alert Beacons vision below:
  • Work toward the day when, through high voter turnout in our elections, we realize once again the genius of our combined American intelligence.  
  • Give rise to a new higher standard of civil service and servant leadership.  
  • Turn the tide on negative campaigning, and the influence of money and polls, so that elections become events of national renewal.  
  • Strike the bell beginning a new period of enlightenment in the American democracy that will ring for millennia to come. 
  • Renew and fulfill the original American Dream, the right to vote, for all her citizens, so that America continues to shine as a beacon for the world.

Let us always remember that honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2017 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Saturday, July 09, 2016

Here’s How I Feel

I've been thinking about America all day. Like all of us, I feel shock and great sadness about recent events. Good lives have needlessly been lost and families torn apart. It's hard to find answers, isn't it? Nonetheless, we must move forward into the wind. Straight ahead, we need to continue building our American future. Can we not learn some lessons and build a better America still? In spite of everything that seems wrong, I see a bright future. I believe there is much to look forward to. Why?

Our freedoms and liberties are guaranteed for ALL. That's a fact! That some of us have suffered over the years because others among us would deny those two things must now become a point of focus. This can be corrected! IT MUST BE CORRECTED!

We ALL have another job to do. ALL of us must focus on our responsibilities as citizens. The amount of freedom and liberty any of us enjoy is directly connected to how well we do in fulfilling our responsibilities. We should never expect a fire to warm us if we refuse to give it the wood it needs to burn brightly. In the days ahead, our first responsibility should be to hold and comfort each other. At least in spirit, if not in fact. Let's use this as a time to extent kindness and civility. Let's look out for each other. In so doing, we'll find ourselves united, not divided. The American way!

Lastly, tonight, I also believe we can and will reach MLK's "promised land." He was one of our greatest leaders and I find comfort in his words spoken so long ago.
What do you think?

Let us always remember that honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2016 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Saturday, July 02, 2016


MY FELLOW AMERICANS, this day and this age calls us.    Everything we want and all that we need IS in front of us, but we must focus on its potential, and embrace it.  

So, it’s time for us, “WE THE PEOPLE”  to quiet our voices and become calm.  It’s time for “WE THE PEOPLE” to increase the volume of our VOTES.  Whether we are liberal or conservative, left or right, man or woman, young or old, no matter our color, no matter our language, no matter our religion, and no matter what divides us or makes us different from each other, it’s time for all of us to put aside these labels and just be Americans in the United States of America.  It’s time for each of us to awaken our sense of CIVIC responsibility and become “WE THE PEOPLE” again.

Please enjoy this Home Free a cappella arrangement of "God Bless the USA" by Lee Greenwood.

Have a great and safe Fourth of July!

Let us always remember that honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2016 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Friday, June 10, 2016


In January of this year, I wrote a post on my Facebook Timeline about a vision that looked backward.  I know that sounds conflicted, but the purpose was to think about what might have made 2015 a better year for America, and thus help us better soar in 2016.  There are two things I’d like you to consider about what I wrote below.  Especially, because this is a Presidential election year.  First, the words express my positive and optimistic vision for several of the key 2015 happenings.  Second, read my words not for whether you agree or disagree with my view on the issues contained, but see and listen for an optimistic vision for the future.  This is exactly what I advocate in VOTING ALERT BEACON #3:  LISTEN / IGNORE.  Now, read below.  

Remember to ignore candidates that don’t express a positive vision for American.  Listen for the leader who expresses a vision that is positive and one that unites.

Vision is important because issues, challenges, and problems divide. VISION UNITES! It provides a rallying point. It is a picture of future success, and answers the question of why people should strive to create that future picture. In the process, vision serves three important purposes: 

1) it clarifies the direction of effort and movement, 
2) it motivates groups or teams to take action in the right direction, and 
3) it coordinates the actions of diverse people with diverse skills and personalities. 

For every contemplation that a team has, it can ask one simple question? Is what we propose to do in line with the vision? Does it serve the vision? 


Here’s what I wrote in my Facebook Timeline post:

Now, as the first week of 2016 comes to an end, America and the President have been on my mind. While I continue to believe that America’s future is bright, I also think there are words and actions that the President should have said or taken, but didn’t. 

Here’s the list with the new words / actions that I believe would have made 2015 an entirely different year for the better. I believe America was ready to hear these words.

Press Conference: 
“America is a nation of laws. ALL LIVES MATTER. No matter what community each of us live in, we should all be thankful for the police and other legal professionals who work 24/7 to enforce our laws and protect us. The death of Michael Brown is tragic for both Michael and the police officer who was involved in the incident. It is also a wakeup call for America. I have directed the Attorney General and the Director of the FBI to begin taking actions which identify where crime is, and how to prevent and stop it wherever it is. Especially, crime related to guns and death. To be effective, federal efforts must work closely, with and support, local law enforcement agencies. In the weeks ahead, I plan to travel the country to meet with law enforcement officials and citizens to insure this happens.”

Press Conference Announcement: 
“I’d like to announce that yesterday I gave the needed directions under existing laws to begin effectively sealing our borders and prevent illegal immigration. I also made calls to the leaders of Congress, so that working together, we can enact Kate’s law. After accomplishing these two things, I will continue working with Congress, the governors from the affected states, and the affected agencies to evolve a refreshed immigration system that is friendly to those people who want to legitimately pursue the opportunities that America offers, but prevents those not friendly to America from entering.” 

State of the Union Address:
“Tonight I would like to announce that I am setting two national goals. The first goal is to land a team of US astronauts on Mars by 2025. The second goal is to become energy independent as a nation by 2020, and that 50% of our energy needs be fulfilled by renewable energy methods by 2025. I am designating them as first order priorities for our country. They present themselves as tall mountains to climb. However, both goals will create new discoveries and knowledge, focus our education systems, and create new opportunities and jobs. The positive effects of these accomplishments will enrich our nation and the world for decades to come.”

Oval Office Address to the Nation (the day of the Paris attacks):
“I just spoke to President Hollande in France to offer our national sympathies in the aftermath of the Paris terror attacks, and to offer our support in the response which President Hollande has said is imminent. Separately, I have directed our military and intelligence leaders to present me, within three days, options for actions that can be taken toward the destruction of ISSIS and radical islamic jihadist organizations wherever we can find them. They are evil, and a blight on one of our planet’s great religions. As a down payment, six hours ago, I authorized the launching of 100 cruise missiles at known ISSIS command and control centers in Raqqa, Syria. I have also suspended, effective immediately, any further withdrawal by our armed forces from positions in the Middle East. Furthermore, next week, I will be traveling to Europe to meet with NATO members and other Middle East Allies so we can coordinate our efforts. I will remain in contact with Congressional leaders and anticipate that I will soon have more to say about all of this in an address to a joint meeting of Congress, and to you the American people. Thank you and God bless America!”

I believe these words and actions would have made a big difference in America and the world, and positively changed the course of history. I believe these are the words of leadership that should have been spoken by the person, who as President, is leading everyone in America.

What do you think?

Let us always remember that honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2016 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Saturday, January 16, 2016

CONSIDER THE DIFFERENCES (Politicians vs. Public Servants vs. Leaders)

Politician President
  • This is the pinnacle of my career and power.
  • I’m looking forward to the increased retirement and continuing benefits-perks.
  • I will work to fulfill the interests of those who voted for me.  
  • I will lead on the issues to implement my agenda and my party’s platform.
  • I will interpret the rules so that my actions are legal
  • I care about what is good for me, my party, and our viewpoint on the issues.

Public Servant President
  • I will do my best to put self last and America first. 
  • I will work hard to make a contribution, and then move on to give someone else the same opportunity.
  • This isn’t my career, and I look forward to returning to mine in private life as a citizen.
  • I am embarrassed by all the perks people want to give me.
  • I never take credit, but find out who really deserves it, and I give it to them.
  • I serve my constituents and will lead them toward consensus on the issues.

Leader President 
  • I will lead America toward fulfillment of its potential and destiny.
  • I lead all Americans whether they voted for me or not. 
  • I lead toward a vision not a position on an issue.
  • Leading is my service and my duty.
  • The only special interest that matters is America’s.
  • I will lead toward leaving America in better shape than she was in when I took office.  

Honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2016 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Practice Thinking: Duty Number ONE-SAFETY

“I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

When a newly elected President places his or her hand on the bible, and makes a sacred promise to protect the Constitution of the United States, that moves their duty to protect America to the front of the line and ahead of the many other things a President does in the job.

As voters, we have a responsibility too.  As we listen to the candidates, 1) we all hear what they say, 2) we consider the experience they bring, and  3) develop feelings about how we think they will perform in the job.  This is exactly what we’ve all experienced in seeking jobs for ourselves.  However, now we are doing the hiring.  We should be thoughtful and choose wisely.  The input into our thinking and feelings should be current or from history, but relevant.  In addition, the actions and results of a current President give input as we consider how we feel regarding America’s safety, and our personal safety.  This input shapes our expectations for the 2016 batch of candidates, and our expectations for their possible future performance, doesn’t it?

Well, so what!  OK, let’s take a real example and practice our thinking:  The current debate on gun control.  There are two very divided sides to this issue, and they are driven further apart by special interests and the politicians.  In any event, the President has chosen this issue as a point of focus, arguing with passion that it will bring increased safety to all of us in America.   The question for each of us as voters is, “WILL IT, REALLY?”  

To begin our “thinking practice,” lets look at this from two perspectives:  1) The big picture or national viewpoint, and 2) The local and more personal viewpoint.  Now ask.  Will compliance with the President’s executive orders make us more safe in fact as a nation, and should you choose to own a gun, make you personally feel more safe because you’ve followed the executive orders, or someone has?  Do you feel confident that others will comply as you might choose to do?  What about the bad guys?  What if they don’t comply?  These are tough questions, to which I’m not suggesting an answer.  I’m only asking you to ask the questions.  

I have faith in voter choices, and I have confidence that Americans will make the best decisions with their votes.  I really believe, and that belief forms the basis of the Voting Alert BeaconsDo you have the same confidence in your choices, and in the choices of your fellow Americans?  I hope so.

Still practicing, and on the issue of safety, let’s think bigger and give thought to what history might teach us.  Expand your thinking to look back at the serving President’s performance record on national safety.  Consider the following events:

  • Doubling the national deficit from $10 to $20 trillion (a key safety driver)
  • Continuing cuts in defense spending
  • Not putting the missile defense system in Eastern Europe
  • Watching as Russia invaded Crimea (later annexed) and the Ukraine
  • Not implementing by actions that contribute to energy independence
  • Benghazi
  • Releasing 6000 convicts from federal prisons
  • Iran nuclear agreement
  • Syrian refugees
  • Continued growth of ISIS
  • Not sealing the US borders
  • Not taking action on the Syrian chemical weapon redline
  • Early withdrawal of forces from Iraq
  • Plans to withdraw forces from Afghanistan
  • Releasing Guantanomo prisoners (with goal to close the prison)

The controversy around all and each of these continues to swirl.  We all have our own ideas and opinions about them, but let’s go back to my earlier question.  In terms of keeping America SAFE, do you think the serving President has properly balanced actions and responses in each, given how all of these connect to  each other to form a tapestry?  Is that tapestry a warm blanket of safety?  Is America safer?  Is there a unifying vision that runs through all of them?  Finally, finish the process by going back to the beginning, and ask yourself how you feel about gun control now.  Should it even be part of the same historical “tapestry and weave?”  Ask yourself how safe you might feel now if different actions had been taken along the way. 

OK, now carry the learnings and feelings you’ve gotten from this thought experiment, and look at the 2016 candidates.  Consider your choice carefully and be sure to vote!!!  

Honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2016 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Thursday, August 06, 2015


In recent years, our elections have been defined by issues.  Accordingly, we’ve become more and more divided.  The campaigns have turned into win/loss slugfests instead of productive competitions between visions and ideas.  Somewhere in this we’ve forgotten that we’re all Americans.  Somewhere in this we’ve stopped reaching to do hard things because we’re focused inward.

We need to remember once again that America is like no other place.  History tells us that.  Our accomplishments demonstrate that what we can do and create is only limited by the size of our dreams, and the reach of our imaginations.  As we pick the next President, lets find a leader who will challenge us again to dream big dreams, and lead us to expand our national imagination.  

In his course, TO LEAD A NATION, The Presidency in the Twentieth Century, Robert Dallek discusses the reasons why some of the Presidents of the Twentieth Century (Theodore Roosevelt through Ronald Reagan) rose to greatness, while most of us can’t remember who the others were.  

Mr. Dallek identifies several things that the “great Presidents” consistently score high in.  This list of items includes:  Vision, charisma, pragmatism, consensus building, trust or credibility, and luck.

So, now lets start watching the Presidential candidates with all of this in mind.  Let’s look for those who have the capacity to dream big dreams, and imaginations with a long reach.  These are sure signs of leadership.  Also, look for the attributes the Mr. Dallek identified.  If we focus on finding a leader, then that leader will help us find agreement on the many issues.  

Honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2015 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Potential-Possibility-Getting Stronger

Beacon #3 states we should listen to what candidates and public servants say about their plans, and their vision for how they will lead.  As VOTERS, this helps us judge the person on their plans and their capacity to lead and inspire.  The current gridlock in our government is at least in part caused by the polar positions on the various issues.  So, one issue at a time, the disagreement deepens.  No one is talking about a vision for the country that puts all the issues and challenges on the table at the same time.

Sometimes when you look at the big picture it’s possible to see opportunities in place of only challenges and problems.  Much like a puzzle, how you put the pieces together is critical to allowing the picture to emerge.  Keep in mind, that most pictures that emerge are quite nice and often inspiring.  Below, I’ve listed a number of big issues of the day.  In my list, I’ve created two categories (along with initial comments) as the first step in helping us look at them differently.  As we move these around, our minds eye begins to see different blending, and the opportunities and energies begin to rise to the surface.  I’ll continue to add detail to this beginning vision and share it in future posts.  Let’s see if any of the candidates this fall are leaders enough to do the same thing.

Potential / Possibility [Unleashing the energy and genius of free men and women ]

  • Create a “global best in class” education system by taking state and local actions using global best practices
  • Rebuilding our transportation system including roads, bridges and mass transit
  • Send a group of men and women to Mars and return them safely to earth by 2024
  • Build a 22nd century military capability
  • Increase personal liberty by decreasing government size and regulation
  • Overhaul our tax system
  • Increase legal immigration and stop illegal immigration

Getting Stronger [Taking care of us]

  • Turn the Veteran Administration (VA) into a global class health system by inviting in private practices and participation
  • Reinforce Social Security and Medicare for the long term 
  • Change welfare programs into personal growth programs 
  • Adjust the Affordable Care Act (ACA) so that it can achieve the same global class health system status as the VA by re-inserting private practices and participation
  • Turn clean environment challenges into growth opportunities with long turn and transitory planning
  • Pay off the national debt
  • Lead the world with our human values and commitment to freedom and liberty through what we say and the actions we take, remaining always aware that leadership has an action orientation

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Friday, August 15, 2014

We Vote for People Not Issues (or we should)

Our democracy encourages, and it’s critical that we have, a vigorous debate about the issues of the day during the campaign and before the election.  The candidates can and should tell us what their plans are for the future, and what their positions are on the issues.  However, after the election, candidates need to remember that they represent and serve not just the voters who voted for them, but also the voters who didn’t.  In many ways the hardest work begins after the election.


My post on July 29, 2014, “Quality and Qualified” listed the following personal attributes that we should look for in legislative and congressional candidates

Problem solver and action oriented, detail minded and pragmatic, consensus and team builder, trustworthy and credible, and service minded and unselfish.”

That same post listed listed the following personal attributes for President.  The same list would apply to governors of the various states.

Vision, charisma, pragmatism, consensus building, trust or credibility.”

Whether it’s Washington DC or in the various states, we need the best and the brightest working for us solving the toughest problems in history.  Let’s elect the “cream of the crop.”

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


It matters little how any of us feel about specific issues, if the people we elect don’t have certain important and key personal attributes and skills.  This is true whether we’re electing a new President or members of Congress.  We need to also remember that the attributes and skills required to be an effective President are different (but complimentary) from the attributes and skills possessed by a successful Congressperson.

In my post on January 11th of this year, I highlighted Robert Dallek’s course, TO LEAD A NATION, The Presidency in the Twentieth Century, in which he discusses the reasons why some of the Presidents of the Twentieth Century (Theodore Roosevelt through Ronald Reagan) rose to greatness, while most of us can’t remember who the others were.  

Mr. Dallek identifies several things that the “great Presidents” consistently score high in.  This list of six items includes:  Vision, charisma, pragmatism, consensus building, trust or credibility, and luck.

Before we vote in November this year, and elect a new House of Representatives and one third of the Senate, what if we identify the attributes and skills that a member of Congress should bring to the job.  I propose that the list for a Congressperson includes items in five areas:  Problem solver and action oriented, detail minded and pragmatic, consensus and team builder, trustworthy and credible, and service minded and unselfish.  This list also complements Mr. Dallek’s list for Presidents.  Wouldn’t it be nice if the President and Congress could work together no matter what party they might belong to?  Aren’t personal attributes and skills a good place to start so that at a basic level they will all feel like they want to work together.  

All of us have jobs where our personal attributes and skills were the first things considered when we were hired.  Why would we want to do anything different when we vote (hire) for the people we are asking to do the work that needs to be done for America?

No matter how we feel on the issues, let’s elect quality people who can govern, and want to do the difficult work of governing. As voters, our goal should be to elect a Congress that we can give an approval rating above 20%.  If we elect quality and qualified people to represent us, they will know how to help us sort out the issues.

Remember, when we step into the voting booth in November, lets vote for people who are problem solvers and action oriented, detail minded and pragmatic, consensus and team builders, trustworthy and credible, and service minded and unselfish.

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Friday, June 13, 2014

Correction and Congratulations

First, I’d like to offer my sincere apologies to David Brat for misspelling his last name in my Voting Alert Beacons post on June 11, 2014.  The “l” I typed should have been an “r.”  

I’d also like to congratulate Mr. Brat for his return to issued oriented campaigning that squeezed the negativity out of what he did.  I’m willing to bet Mr. Canter wishes he had stuck to the knitting of spotting issues important to his constituents, and proposing solutions (leading).  Hopefully, after the “earthquake” subsides among the political crowd they will realize that the politics of personal assassination is walking out the door.

I’ll bet Mr. Canter wishes he had spent more time back in his district as his job description read.  Below is another Voting Alert Beacons post that was posted on May 18, 2014 which proposes flipping our current system toward one where the Representatives and Senators spend more time in their districts / states than they do Washington DC.

Mr. Brat, I hope you’ll consider this as you campaign for the November election.  Your constituents my like hearing this from you.  Maybe your district in Virginia can start the ball rolling.


A New Vision - Bring Them Home

What if Representatives and Senators moved their principal office from Washington DC back to their districts and states?  With the transportation and communications systems available in this modern era, there are many reasons why it would work and even more reasons why it would be a good step for better public service and good government.  Keep in mind that very profitable companies now work daily on a global distributive model.

What does some of the fine print look like?  What does this mean?  In terms of the week, this might mean our public servants are in Washington DC on Monday and Tuesday.  For the remainder of the week, they are close to their constituents.  In terms of staying in touch, keep in mind that individuals and groups of people are now routinely connected with each other no matter where they are on the face of the planet. 

What else might change? 
The most important high level change is that they are closer to who they represent.  It is easier for them to remember where they come from.  Their “memberships” in the political parties will be correctly balanced by proximity to their constituents.  Their representation of us becomes stronger then their allegiance to issues and parties. 

The Representatives and Senators are also closer to their state government counterparts.  When they properly work together, they form an important counter weight to the accumulation of power in the federal government.  State’s rights is reinforced.

Special interests would have a more difficult time asserting influence.  The special interests will find it difficult and costly establishing a lobby office in each state.  Now they just set up one office in Washington DC.

Local media becomes more important and pronounced.  National media will have some of the same problems as special interests.

There will be important practical advantages too.  It will be less expensive to set up state or district office versus a very expensive and egocentric DC office.  The perks of office will likely be more normal if the Representative and Senators are close to their constituents.

Goal:  Work toward a time when great ideas will cast a show on the accumulation of great power.

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.