Showing posts with label Executive Branch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Executive Branch. Show all posts

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Below is a partial list of national issues that have ganged up on America in the past few years.  They are all related and interconnected.  Individually and collectively they challenge America.  They belong to each of us as individual voters, and to all of us as a nation.

As our next voting opportunity soon approaches, we need to find public servants and leaders who are willing to take them up as opportunities that continue to take the American success story forward into the future.  While everyone who we elect won’t agree on how to solve each individual challenge, everyone should at least carry the same list on their “napkin.”  Everyone should approach their leadership opportunity as a chance to show how they think these issues interlock, and how they can do their part in keeping America’s future bright.

The biggest challenge America faces today is that not even one leader from the top to the bottom of the ladder has all of these are their napkin. 

How would things be different now in the world order and in America if our leaders in Congress and the Executive Branch had and were all carrying this same list on their “napkins?”  What if they worked for the good of their communities and for America using the principle that says, “If I take care of my brother and sister, then I will be well cared for.”  This principle certainly doesn’t reflect current reality, but it could.

Here’s the list:
  • Bombed Syria immediately after confirming they had used chemical weapons?
  • Organized a special select committee to investigate Benghazi as soon as it had happened?
  • Compromised toward consensus with Obamacare?
  • Deployed the missile shield as planned in Poland?
  • Funded NASA enough to keep an independent astronaut launch capacity?  Let’s not forget that our trip to the moon gave us our current life.
  • Find consensus on the gun issue consistent with the 2nd Amendment and the need to protect our citizens?
  • Passed consensus legislation that serves our national security, is compassionate in how we treat humans and recognizes that the strength of America is in our new immigrants?
  • Thought clarity about the severe NSA intrusion into our privacy rights versus our need for security.
  • Natural gas development.
  • Keystone pipeline construction.
  • National debt.
  • Balanced budget.
  • Middle east peace.
  • Iran nukes.
  • Middle East democracies and despots.
  • Liberty and opportunity.
  • Campaign finance.
  • The IRS scandal.
  • The Veteran Affairs health care scandal.

If we all vote and use the Voting Alert Beacons, we can restore common  sense to our government, we can thank and say goodbye to the politicians forever, and welcome a new cast of public servants and leaders.

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved. 

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Using the BOZO Principle to vote effectively.

In public service at the highest levels in both the executive and legislative levels, a return to the principles of servant leadership is sorely needed, and long overdue.  Earlier, I included a list of personal attributes for servant leadership in the Voting Alert Beacons QUICKSTART (see the July 3 post).  While a return to servant leadership is the most critical first step, a return to basic competency in the areas of work and specific tasks is needed too.

How can we as voters use our votes to bring more competency into government, especially at the highest levels?  The first step is to realize and understand that we not only want to elect the best servant leaders, but they must be capable of recruiting the most competent individuals and groups possible.

Now enters the BOZO PrincipleThe BOZO Principle states that “A” grade leaders recruit others who are also “A” grade or better.  They aren’t threatened by others who may be more competent than themselves.  Instead, they look for the best and the brightest.  Hiring top people is a duty.  Hiring should not be a method of repaying political favors or strengthening political positions.

Then the BOZO Principle goes further and states that “B” grade people won’t recruit even other “B” grade individuals because they feel threatened.  The will only recruit “C” grade through “Z” grade types.

Now think about the performance of our federal and state governments over the recent times.  Can you see outlines of the BOZO Principle?  Especially, the part concerning what “B” grade people do.

It’s time to take action!  Next time you vote, ask first if the candidate is a servant leader?  Then, second ask if they are “A” grade.  Will they seek out the best and the brightest on behalf of we voters and the country?  If you believe the answer is yes to both, then vote for them.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2013 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.