Showing posts with label Challenges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Challenges. Show all posts

Sunday, June 24, 2018

RAW POWER and Politics (Not Immigration)

A good place to start on the issue of immigration is with how each of us think about our own homes.  America is no different. It is our national home. Basic principles about how we want to do immigration in America are identical with the common sense rules we apply to where we live.

Our homes are sovereign just like America.  We control the door and lock it sometimes.  Do we let people jump through windows to enter?  Or, break down a wall to invade?  Rarely, do we allow entrance to a stranger.  If they are with a trusted friend, perhaps (think Green Card).  When someone enters without permission, and they refuse to leave, we call the police (ICE).  In America, when the government wants to enter, they can do so only for narrow and good reasons.  There are strict procedures.  An order must be signed by a judge.  We wouldn’t dream of losing or given away control over who can enter our homes, would we?

Ironically, there are compelling reasons that we allow strangers into our American home.  Immigration has been critical to the growth and development of America through history.  This is still true.  However, those who come should want to melt into our “melting pot” and work hard to realize what America offers, and their own personal potential.  Immigrants should come for the American Way, not to create a fresh version of what they left behind.  They should come for what America is, not what they want to make it.

So far, this is common sense, isn’t it?  So why is there so much noise on the issue?  Well, the immigration issue as we read about it in the media really has nothing to do with immigrants.  It is about power and politics, not people.  The currency of the discussion (argument) is lie and deception, not truth and sound judgment.  Even voters who are in their 20’s, have lived long enough to see political leaders flip-flop on their positions.  It’s hard not to notice that they shift to the position which they believe will earn them more power.  At the same, as if on cue, the media seems incapable of helping to sustain a calm and reasonable national discussion.  Rather, the media seems to inflame and divide instead of reporting the facts, which we voters need to make a choice.  Perhaps, the politicians and the media have forgotten who chooses in America.  It’s time to remind them.

Also, before we vote, we voters should recall the difference between legal and illegal immigrants.  Legal immigrants enter through valid points of entry.  Depending on their individual situations, there are numerous visas they can apply for.  Because America is generous and sympathetic, we offer asylum to some who come from terrible places and terrible conditions.  In all cases, a legal immigrant is properly taking their first steps to becoming American citizens and realizing personal dreams through one of these processes.  

Illegal immigrants also want to enter America, but they choose to break our laws as their first step.  They don’t use legal points of entry.  They sneak across the wilderness.  If they are lucky enough to make it to America, there’s a good chance they’ll be deported.  Or, if they fall into the right category of illegal immigrant, they may receive more benefits than the legal immigrants, and in some cases then American citizens.

How to vote?  Vote as you would for your own house on this issue.  Don’t vote by party!  Vote for Congress people who will use and apply common sense.  Use your vote to affirm and renew the virtues of honesty and public service.  Who will do the best job?  If you are still hesitating, then vote for someone who sounds reasonable, isn’t filled will hate or disrespect for other people, and is new and fresh.  Someone who has never served before.

In writing calmly and reasonably about immigration I hope by example we can all respectfully use our 1st Amendment right of free expression to add positively to the discussion.  However, with the right comes the responsibility to listen.  Even more, listening must mean we are willing to change.  We must be willing to let the other person, or the other argument, or the other viewpoint change us.  If we all come with that commitment, we will indeed meet in “the middle of the road,” and continue building an incredibly strong Common Sense for America.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2018 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Detroit’s $500 House

“WE THE PEOPLE” are at our best when we work together.  Everywhere in America, on a daily basis, civic responsibility and community service are flourishing.  The virtue of stubborn persistence, in the face of never ending obstacles, quietly erupts one person at a time in the march forward toward a better future.  We don’t need the media to highlight these moments, because they are all around us.

Drew Philp is a shining example of one of us (WE THE PEOPLE).  The introduction to his TED Talk concisely explains why:  

“In 2009, journalist and screenwriter Drew Philp bought a ruined house in Detroit for $500. In the years that followed, as he gutted the interior and removed the heaps of garbage crowding the rooms, he didn't just learn how to repair a house -- he learned how to build a community. In a tribute to the city he loves, Philp tells us about "radical neighborliness" and makes the case that we have ‘the power to create the world anew together and to do it ourselves when our governments refuse.’”

After viewing this video and hearing Drew’s story, I felt filled with hope again.  I remembered again, that America and Americans aren’t what we read about in all the media sources these days.  We are much different.  We are what we’ve always been.  Forward looking, generous, and “never quitters.”  I hope this message inspires you too!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2018 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Sunday, October 29, 2017

BEACON OF HOPE - John F. Kennedy On Hope

President Kennedy was many things.  That he could leave us with so much to remember him by, in the short time he was President before his assassination only, speaks to his immense capacity to lead.   

That he could rise to meet the challenges of his time highlights the same courage and determination he used to become a war hero.  That he could speak of a bright future and take actions to bring it closer demonstrates his vision.  However, there is one underlying virtue which informed everything that he was and did.  It is his sense of HOPE.  

View this video clip and see if you might also think he wrote and spoke it all for our times.  He probably didn’t, but he could have because his sense of HOPE was timeless.  

As you start a new week, I HOPE you will go forth optimistically in everything, and that you will pass it on to everyone you meet.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2017 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Saturday, July 09, 2016

Here’s How I Feel

I've been thinking about America all day. Like all of us, I feel shock and great sadness about recent events. Good lives have needlessly been lost and families torn apart. It's hard to find answers, isn't it? Nonetheless, we must move forward into the wind. Straight ahead, we need to continue building our American future. Can we not learn some lessons and build a better America still? In spite of everything that seems wrong, I see a bright future. I believe there is much to look forward to. Why?

Our freedoms and liberties are guaranteed for ALL. That's a fact! That some of us have suffered over the years because others among us would deny those two things must now become a point of focus. This can be corrected! IT MUST BE CORRECTED!

We ALL have another job to do. ALL of us must focus on our responsibilities as citizens. The amount of freedom and liberty any of us enjoy is directly connected to how well we do in fulfilling our responsibilities. We should never expect a fire to warm us if we refuse to give it the wood it needs to burn brightly. In the days ahead, our first responsibility should be to hold and comfort each other. At least in spirit, if not in fact. Let's use this as a time to extent kindness and civility. Let's look out for each other. In so doing, we'll find ourselves united, not divided. The American way!

Lastly, tonight, I also believe we can and will reach MLK's "promised land." He was one of our greatest leaders and I find comfort in his words spoken so long ago.
What do you think?

Let us always remember that honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2016 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Saturday, August 15, 2015


On their websites, in their speeches, in what they have written, in interviews, in their public and private performance records, and according to what they have said, or probably will talk about, at debates, the current crop of Presidential candidates have included the following as priorities for our country:  

Jobs, education, national and personal security, improved standard of living, increasing the GDP, military capacity and national defense, strong diplomacy, immigration, tax reform, environmental protection and preservation, and reform of government to increase efficiency and effectiveness.  I may have missed a few, but this is a long list of the most important things.

Here’s a question, without regard to any political position on the issues, but only focused on generally finding improvement for our country in these areas …


It is an act of leadership to see the challenges now and ahead, and propose a vision that takes us safely and confidently forward.  It is an act of leadership to call upon us as a nation to focus on doing something really difficult.  It is an act of leadership to stand up and with a strong character say, “follow me.”

Such a goal would not only cause America to focus on the trail forward, but we would reclaim our leadership position in the world.  I am quite sure that Russian, Iran, ISIS, and the rest of the evil actors would take notice.

The nay-sayers will hide behind the cost of such a mission.  I don’t know if it would take another $10 billion or $100 billion or even $500 billion.  I do know that any of those costs are small compared to the tangible and intangible returns from such a mission.  I do know that any of those costs are small compared to the amount our national debt has increased since 2000.  Finally, I do know that based on books and research easily available, that the “moon landing” in 1969, and what it took to accomplish that, is almost fully responsible for the America we live in today.


WE THE PEOPLE need to ask the candidates for their Mars vision!  Remember Beacon #3 (Listen/Ignore).  It is fair for us to ask many questions and expect them to respond so we can "listen."

Honesty and public service are the gears that drive our democracy, and we turn those gears with our RIGHT TO VOTE.   LET’S ALL VOTE!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2015 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Potential-Possibility-Getting Stronger

Beacon #3 states we should listen to what candidates and public servants say about their plans, and their vision for how they will lead.  As VOTERS, this helps us judge the person on their plans and their capacity to lead and inspire.  The current gridlock in our government is at least in part caused by the polar positions on the various issues.  So, one issue at a time, the disagreement deepens.  No one is talking about a vision for the country that puts all the issues and challenges on the table at the same time.

Sometimes when you look at the big picture it’s possible to see opportunities in place of only challenges and problems.  Much like a puzzle, how you put the pieces together is critical to allowing the picture to emerge.  Keep in mind, that most pictures that emerge are quite nice and often inspiring.  Below, I’ve listed a number of big issues of the day.  In my list, I’ve created two categories (along with initial comments) as the first step in helping us look at them differently.  As we move these around, our minds eye begins to see different blending, and the opportunities and energies begin to rise to the surface.  I’ll continue to add detail to this beginning vision and share it in future posts.  Let’s see if any of the candidates this fall are leaders enough to do the same thing.

Potential / Possibility [Unleashing the energy and genius of free men and women ]

  • Create a “global best in class” education system by taking state and local actions using global best practices
  • Rebuilding our transportation system including roads, bridges and mass transit
  • Send a group of men and women to Mars and return them safely to earth by 2024
  • Build a 22nd century military capability
  • Increase personal liberty by decreasing government size and regulation
  • Overhaul our tax system
  • Increase legal immigration and stop illegal immigration

Getting Stronger [Taking care of us]

  • Turn the Veteran Administration (VA) into a global class health system by inviting in private practices and participation
  • Reinforce Social Security and Medicare for the long term 
  • Change welfare programs into personal growth programs 
  • Adjust the Affordable Care Act (ACA) so that it can achieve the same global class health system status as the VA by re-inserting private practices and participation
  • Turn clean environment challenges into growth opportunities with long turn and transitory planning
  • Pay off the national debt
  • Lead the world with our human values and commitment to freedom and liberty through what we say and the actions we take, remaining always aware that leadership has an action orientation

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Monday, August 20, 2012

A Vision – One Goal – One Speech

In several weeks, on September 12th, we will mark the 50 year anniversary of the Rice University speech in which President John F. Kennedy gave America the vision and goal of sending a person to the moon, and returning them safely, before the end of the decade.  

As a result, Neil Armstrong stepped onto the surface of the moon on July 20, 1969 at 9:56pm EDT and President Kennedy’s vision for America was fulfilled.  Less talked about, and certainly nowhere near as dramatic in the moment as that “first step,” are the civilization changing effects the moon effort put into motion.  Not only did the moon landing remind us of the unlimited nature of humankind, but everything that was discovered and produced in the process is responsible for many of the things we use and enjoy in our lives today.

Here’s a partial list of areas and items:  Environmental research and monitoring, Weather predicting, Monitoring vegetation, Aerospace engineering, Electronics, Telecommunications, Education in math and the physical sciences, Micro technology, Health and medicine, Light emitting diodes to ease pain and speed healing, Improved ear thermometers, Ventricular assist devices, Artificial limbs, Transportation, Aircraft anti-icing systems, Highway safety grooving, Improved radial tires, Corrosion detection on aircraft, Public safety, Video enhancing and analysis systems, Fire resistant materials, Firefighting equipment, Consumer items, Stay dry clothing, No fog goggles, Home recreation, Temper foam for beds and crash protection, Enriched baby food, Portable cordless vacuums, Freeze dried food, Environment and Agriculture, Water purification, Solar energy, Pollution remediation, Computers and computer technology, structural analysis software, Remotely controlled ovens, Powdered lubricants, Improved mine safety, Food safety, Food sterilization, Food packaging.

Our world is what it is today because of the speech by President Kennedy.  He was one man with a vision, a goal, and the drive to lead.  At that time, as today, America faced many challenges.  Perhaps, if we could remember some history, there would be lessons we could adapt and some old ideas we could make new.

Maybe we should notice that in this political season, with the extra turmoil and turbulence we seem to be experiencing this time in the election for President, two important things will have happened before the election in November.  On August 5, Curiosity landed safely on Mars and has begun its exploration, and on September 12th, we will celebrate the 50 year anniversary of President Kennedy’s speech.  

Candidates Obama and Romney, let’s go to Mars.  Find a vision, set a goal and let’s get moving again.  Then in the process, we’ll invent things we can’t even imagine yet, we’ll learn things we didn’t know were there to be learned, we’ll create an education system open to all of humankind, we’ll cure diseases we don’t even know exist yet, we may eliminate hunger, and we might create more jobs then there are people on the planet.

What are you waiting for?  

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2012 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.