Showing posts with label Rule. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rule. Show all posts

Sunday, June 24, 2018

RAW POWER and Politics (Not Immigration)

A good place to start on the issue of immigration is with how each of us think about our own homes.  America is no different. It is our national home. Basic principles about how we want to do immigration in America are identical with the common sense rules we apply to where we live.

Our homes are sovereign just like America.  We control the door and lock it sometimes.  Do we let people jump through windows to enter?  Or, break down a wall to invade?  Rarely, do we allow entrance to a stranger.  If they are with a trusted friend, perhaps (think Green Card).  When someone enters without permission, and they refuse to leave, we call the police (ICE).  In America, when the government wants to enter, they can do so only for narrow and good reasons.  There are strict procedures.  An order must be signed by a judge.  We wouldn’t dream of losing or given away control over who can enter our homes, would we?

Ironically, there are compelling reasons that we allow strangers into our American home.  Immigration has been critical to the growth and development of America through history.  This is still true.  However, those who come should want to melt into our “melting pot” and work hard to realize what America offers, and their own personal potential.  Immigrants should come for the American Way, not to create a fresh version of what they left behind.  They should come for what America is, not what they want to make it.

So far, this is common sense, isn’t it?  So why is there so much noise on the issue?  Well, the immigration issue as we read about it in the media really has nothing to do with immigrants.  It is about power and politics, not people.  The currency of the discussion (argument) is lie and deception, not truth and sound judgment.  Even voters who are in their 20’s, have lived long enough to see political leaders flip-flop on their positions.  It’s hard not to notice that they shift to the position which they believe will earn them more power.  At the same, as if on cue, the media seems incapable of helping to sustain a calm and reasonable national discussion.  Rather, the media seems to inflame and divide instead of reporting the facts, which we voters need to make a choice.  Perhaps, the politicians and the media have forgotten who chooses in America.  It’s time to remind them.

Also, before we vote, we voters should recall the difference between legal and illegal immigrants.  Legal immigrants enter through valid points of entry.  Depending on their individual situations, there are numerous visas they can apply for.  Because America is generous and sympathetic, we offer asylum to some who come from terrible places and terrible conditions.  In all cases, a legal immigrant is properly taking their first steps to becoming American citizens and realizing personal dreams through one of these processes.  

Illegal immigrants also want to enter America, but they choose to break our laws as their first step.  They don’t use legal points of entry.  They sneak across the wilderness.  If they are lucky enough to make it to America, there’s a good chance they’ll be deported.  Or, if they fall into the right category of illegal immigrant, they may receive more benefits than the legal immigrants, and in some cases then American citizens.

How to vote?  Vote as you would for your own house on this issue.  Don’t vote by party!  Vote for Congress people who will use and apply common sense.  Use your vote to affirm and renew the virtues of honesty and public service.  Who will do the best job?  If you are still hesitating, then vote for someone who sounds reasonable, isn’t filled will hate or disrespect for other people, and is new and fresh.  Someone who has never served before.

In writing calmly and reasonably about immigration I hope by example we can all respectfully use our 1st Amendment right of free expression to add positively to the discussion.  However, with the right comes the responsibility to listen.  Even more, listening must mean we are willing to change.  We must be willing to let the other person, or the other argument, or the other viewpoint change us.  If we all come with that commitment, we will indeed meet in “the middle of the road,” and continue building an incredibly strong Common Sense for America.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2018 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Candle In The Darkness

The “right to vote” is a fundamental reason for America’s past success and its bright future.  When we vote, we light a candle that burns brightly.  Its light spreads in all directions.  Indeed voting shines a light into the dark corners, and makes them visible for all to see.  When necessary, it is our tool to help us get the American ship back on course, and steer it out of the fog that occasionally descends.

The right to vote is also the “real” America Dream.  It’s not a house, or a job and a certain wage.  All of those things exist in other countries where there are no rights and dreams.  It is a basic act of self determination, and reflects on who we are as a nation.  Voting breaths life into our Constitution.  As a result, our Constitution is also extraordinary. 

In his remarks to the delegates of the United States Senate Youth Program on February 5, 1981, President Ronald Reagan said,

“I had a copy of the Soviet Constitution and I read it with great interest.  And I saw all kinds of terms in there that sounded just exactly like our own:  “Freedom of assembly” and freedom of speech” and so forth.  Of course, they don’t allow them to have those things, but they’re in there in the constitution.  But I began to wonder about the other constitutions --- everyone has one --- and our own, and why so much emphasis on ours.  And then I found out, and the answer was very simple.  That’s why you don’t notice it at first, but it is so great that it tells the entire difference.  All those other constitutions are documents that say that “We, the government, allow the people the following rights,” and our Constitution says “We, the people, allow the government the following privileges and rights.”

We give our permission to government to do the things that it does.  And that’s the whole story of the difference --- why we’re unique in the world and why no matter what our troubles may be, we’re going to overcome all those troubles --- and with your help and support because it’s an ongoing process.”

It seems that the current crop of public servants in Washington DC, and some in the various states have forgotten who they serve.  In fact, many seem to think that it is their job to “rule” instead of “serve.”  In the name of public service, many serve a favorite issue, a financial contributor or a political party and ideology.  As a result, they are driving the country on the left and right shoulders of the road.  The shoulders are bumpy and often extreme.  Either side insists that they are on the correct side of every issue.  In fact, neither side, left or right, is on the correct side.

So, it’s time to find new drivers who will drive us down the smooth middle of the road.  That time of decision is coming soon.  Hopefully, after the election in November 2014, the ride will start to even out.  For us as voters, the only important thing to do is for ALL of us to vote.  It won’t matter how each of us votes if we ALL vote.  The genius of America and the American Dream will shine once more.

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2013 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.