Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Listen to what  candidates say about themselves . . .

According to what Voting Alert Beacon #3 states, we should Listen to what candidates say about themselves and their ideas, but ignore what they say about the other candidates.  In this case, what they say also means what they write.  So to make it a little easier for everyone, I’ve done some of the research so that I could send the links that follow (in alphabetic order):

Ron Paul 

Mitt Romney

Rick Santorum

Newt Gingrich

While the general election hasn’t officially started yet, it is only fair to send the same information on the presumptive Democratic nominee for President.

President Barak Obama

Question for today.  How does the media fit into the Voting Alert Beacons?  Ultimately, the media has a role throughout.  The media has been referred to as the “4th branch of government.”  It can make a difference.

So, in terms of Beacon #3, couldn’t the media highlight what the candidates say about themselves and ignore (not report) what they say about the other candidates?  Wouldn’t it be a big help if the media continues to find inconsistencies between what the candidates write and what they say?  You bet!  I’d listen to that VERY closely.

Remember, the playground story from yesterday?  In the school newspaper would it be more positive and constructive, indeed more useful, to report what the bully did or report all the good things that the other students did?  What do you think would make the bully go away more quickly?

In my next post, I will discuss "the money."

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


 Copyright © 2012 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.

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