Perhaps the biggest lie of all time is that our government, or a government, can give us a happy life. That it can take care of us. That it can solve our personal problems. There is a long history of government attempts, ie: War On Poverty, which offer lessons that demonstrate this to be only wishful thinking, and not the truth. Yet, we need a government for the reasons of what it can do for us: National defense, Law Enforcement (when not corrupt), Public Education and Energy and Transportation Infrastructure.
Today, I offer a Beacon of Hope that should cause us to think of what we can do for ourselves, and what our responsibilities are. A Beacon of Hope which reminds us of the immense personal powers we all have. This is also a reminder of what America has done so well over the hundreds of years since its birth. Our American democracy, freedoms, and liberty have unleashed the energy and incredible abilities of its people like never before in the history of the world.
Take heart and enjoy!
. . . remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her. America’s best days are ahead of her. They always have been and always will be.
Copyright © 2018 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.