Friday, August 15, 2014

We Vote for People Not Issues (or we should)

Our democracy encourages, and it’s critical that we have, a vigorous debate about the issues of the day during the campaign and before the election.  The candidates can and should tell us what their plans are for the future, and what their positions are on the issues.  However, after the election, candidates need to remember that they represent and serve not just the voters who voted for them, but also the voters who didn’t.  In many ways the hardest work begins after the election.


My post on July 29, 2014, “Quality and Qualified” listed the following personal attributes that we should look for in legislative and congressional candidates

Problem solver and action oriented, detail minded and pragmatic, consensus and team builder, trustworthy and credible, and service minded and unselfish.”

That same post listed listed the following personal attributes for President.  The same list would apply to governors of the various states.

Vision, charisma, pragmatism, consensus building, trust or credibility.”

Whether it’s Washington DC or in the various states, we need the best and the brightest working for us solving the toughest problems in history.  Let’s elect the “cream of the crop.”

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Minnesota Primary Results

Yesterday, August 12th, 2014, the Minnesota primary election was held.  Current reporting is indicating that only slightly less than 10% of the eligible voters cast a vote.  According to predictions, this seems to be what everyone expected.  The reasons given are classic:  Midterm election, Disinterest or disgust in politics generally, or maybe in Minnesota we’re doing pretty well according to some.  For better or for worst, depending on your point of view, the budget is in balance at the moment, and our unemployment rate is generally low.  Of course, if you don’t have a job, you wouldn’t consider pretty low as good enough.  Nonetheless, and in any event, the primary election results are now in.

Let’s look closely at the statewide races.  This year in Minnesota the statewide top of the ticket race for Governor is between Mark Dayton (incumbent-Democrat) and Jeff Johnson (challenger-Republican).  The race for U.S. Senator from Minnesota is between Al Franken (incumbent-Democrat) and Michael McFadden (challenger-Republican).  Now the candidates reset their clocks and begin campaigning to win the election in November.

It’s also time for we voters to reset our clocks and watch what the candidates do next.  Let’s get into the habit of using the Voting Alert Beacons.  We can start with the core Beacons:  Beacon #3:  Listen/Ignore, Beacon #4: The Polls, and Beacon #5:  The Money.

Beacon #3:  Listen/Ignore

Go back to the Voting Alert Beacons blog and review the detail of this step.  At its core is that we want to only listen to what the candidate says about themselves, their positions on the issues and what they plan to do.  Ignore everything else they say.  To begin, check the candidate’s websites.

Beacon #4:  The Polls

This is about what you shouldn’t do.  I know that sounds negative, but it’s important not to read polls and not to participate.  When a candidate’s representative call you, a polling company appears, or the media interrupts your day, just say no.

Beacon #5:  The Money

Let’s start with the numbers as of the end of July (see below).  This information comes from the Federal Election Committee and from the state of Minnesota.  Generally, it’s what we might expect (not saying this is OK).  The incumbent has a lot more money in total and they have a lot more money from PACs and special interests.  Again, review Beacon #5 and remember the ideal candidate won’t take money from special interest groups and only smaller amounts from individuals.

Minnesota Governor Candidates

Mark Dayton
Individual  $549,437.07
Lobbyists  $11,540.00
PACs  $41,446.86

Jeff Johnson
Individual  $204,640.29
Lobbyists  $2,898.40
PACs  $1,050.00

Minnesota Senate Candidates

Al Franken
Individual  $12,442,034.00
PAC  $1,003,139.00
Candidate  $0.00
Other  $1,680,395.00

Michael McFadden
Individual  $3,147,166.00
PAC  $249,500.00
Candidate  $5,200.00
Other  $2,448.00

NOTE:  There is a lot more money in the senate race because contributors (individual and special interest) from all over the country send money.  Human nature being what it is, the result is that whoever our Senator is really doesn’t faithfully represent Minnesota, as they should.

OK, VOTERS, let’s get to work.  Let’s get ready to vote in November by following the Voting Alert Beacons along the way.

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Did You VOTE In Your Primary Today?

Today was “primary voting” day in Minnesota.  If you are having a primary in your state today, did you vote on your way to work?  If not yet, be sure to find time later.  Check to see when your polls close ASAP. 


Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

COMMENT AND QUESTION: The Search for Truth


In a Voting Alert Beacons post on May 17, 2014, I discussed the virtues of truth and honesty.   Following is a portion of what I wrote:  

Truth can be found in the alignment of our senses with ideas and viewpoints that are supported by facts.  To pursue the truth we need to use our intellect, our spirit and all of our powers of intention.   It has always been a quest, and still is.

Outside of a way of living, talking about something, or in taking an action, honesty doesn’t mean much.  However, it is everything when our lives, the words we speak, and the actions we take line up perfectly with the truth.  The truth, not from only our point of view, but from point of view of others, too.  Our honesty isn’t so much about ourselves as it is about how we treat others, the actions we take, and what we give of ourselves to the world around us.”

It is perhaps the most important goal for us as citizens that the public servants we elect are truthful and honest.  This is not only true for how we work together as Americans, but it is equally true for how we treat the world around us, especially our closest friends and allies.  An example the world is currently experiencing is the conflict between Israel and Hamas (it’s not between Israel and the Palestinian people).

Two days ago, I posted another “Comment and Question” about Hamas and the lack of support President Obama, Secretary Kerry and the administration are showing Israel.  I also included comment about Britain, Germany and France, and how weak they are at this point in history as evil seems to be emerging everywhere.  Lastly, I questioned the Media in terms of factual and unbiased reporting.  The Media as a group generally claims that they are presenting all the facts and reporting with no bias.  Well, maybe not.  

Somehow the truth seems to emerge eventually though. Today, I found several videoclips (Facebook and Twitter) that are factual, truthful and simple.  See what you think.


President Obama, have you done your homework?  Did you view the above videoclips?  Has this kind of information been presented to you in your intelligence briefings?  If you haven’t seen this kind of information before, as President, have you fixed the problem for the future?

Secretary Kerry, why did you even think it was a good idea to negotiate with Hamas?  You realize that they are on our American (and most other countries) terrorist organization list, right?  Do you understand that the strongest negotiating position is always from truth and honesty?  

Media, I asked in my post two days ago why no one seemed to be able to find information about what Hamas is doing on the ground.  Others, not in the media, seem to find information.  Why haven’t you?  Why do you interview Hamas leaders and members?  Why do you give a listed terrorist organization a “microphone?”  Do you realize that if you were a company doing business with Hamas, it would be illegal?  I’m not at all in favor of limited the Media and curtailing the First Amendment, but can’t you just present all the sides with more truth and honesty?


Now and in the future, when we cast our votes and elect public servants, let’s work harder at finding people who will serve with truth and honesty.  If it’s the President, lets elect someone who will lead from the “high ground.”  If it’s Congress, let’s elect people who begin with truth and honesty as they find common ground to work together from, and solve problems.

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Sunday, August 03, 2014

COMMENT AND QUESTIONS: When will the world be “appalled” by Hamas?


Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (Britain) from 1937 until 1940.  During these three years, in concert with France, Adolf Hitler and Germany were given the Czech region of Sudetenland with the hopes that it would appease Germany.  This hope was never realized and by the end of 1939 Hitler had taken the rest of the Czech regions and Poland.  Britain and Chamberlain declared war, but it was too late.  The march of Germany across Europe had begun resulting the virtual destruction of Europe, the death of tens of millions of civilians, and the killing of over six million Jews by the Third Reich in the Holocaust.  

Now, in the Middle East, Hamas (the proxy of Iran) has attacked Israel once again. Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization by all of the civilized world.  Hamas has been killing innocent civilians since their inception in 1987.  


  • President Obama, how would you lead and what would America’s response be if 240 million American citizens were threatened and/or injured by rockets fired by a terrorist organization in a neighboring country?  What if those same terrorists had constructed a complex tunnel system which allowed them to infiltrate into our largest cities closest to our borders?  How is it possible that your administration can say that America is “appalled” by the defensive actions Israel is taking, all the while doing its best to minimize civilian casualties?  Especially, when there is clear evidence that Hamas is directly responsible for these civilian deaths.

  • Chancellor Merkel, given that Germany (your country) is the country which tried to conquer Europe in WWII and killed over six million Jews in the Holocaust, why haven’t you used all of your powers of oratory, both inside Germany and directed to the rest of the world, in defense of Israel’s right to exist and live in peace?  Don’t you feel any responsibility to speak the truth about Hamas?  As leader of a now free and moral Germany, don’t you feel any responsibility to lead toward the moral high ground?

  • Prime Minister Cameron, during WWII England suffered tremendously and was in a real fight for its’ existence like the Israel of today.  When you bombed Germany because you existence was threatened, were you as careful about doing everything you could do to protect the civilian population as Israel has been?  Why haven’t you risen up with clear oratory, as Chancellor Merkel needs to do, and declared the rightness of what Israel is doing in defending itself?

  • All media, why do you only publish the pictures of Palestinian suffering?  You are all such great investigative reporters and organizations, would now be a great time to put those skills to use?  Can’t you dig a little deeper to find pictures and video clips of Hamas forcing its civilians to stay in harms way?  In this day of modern communications, can’t you find evidence of how Hamas is using schools, hospitals, mosques, and other public places to store weapons and conduct war from?

Remember, when we step into the voting booth in November, lets vote for people who are clear on the difference between right and wrong!!  

Using the Voting Alert Beacons, we all need to step forward to do our duty and then demand that the public servants we elect, do theirs!!

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


It matters little how any of us feel about specific issues, if the people we elect don’t have certain important and key personal attributes and skills.  This is true whether we’re electing a new President or members of Congress.  We need to also remember that the attributes and skills required to be an effective President are different (but complimentary) from the attributes and skills possessed by a successful Congressperson.

In my post on January 11th of this year, I highlighted Robert Dallek’s course, TO LEAD A NATION, The Presidency in the Twentieth Century, in which he discusses the reasons why some of the Presidents of the Twentieth Century (Theodore Roosevelt through Ronald Reagan) rose to greatness, while most of us can’t remember who the others were.  

Mr. Dallek identifies several things that the “great Presidents” consistently score high in.  This list of six items includes:  Vision, charisma, pragmatism, consensus building, trust or credibility, and luck.

Before we vote in November this year, and elect a new House of Representatives and one third of the Senate, what if we identify the attributes and skills that a member of Congress should bring to the job.  I propose that the list for a Congressperson includes items in five areas:  Problem solver and action oriented, detail minded and pragmatic, consensus and team builder, trustworthy and credible, and service minded and unselfish.  This list also complements Mr. Dallek’s list for Presidents.  Wouldn’t it be nice if the President and Congress could work together no matter what party they might belong to?  Aren’t personal attributes and skills a good place to start so that at a basic level they will all feel like they want to work together.  

All of us have jobs where our personal attributes and skills were the first things considered when we were hired.  Why would we want to do anything different when we vote (hire) for the people we are asking to do the work that needs to be done for America?

No matter how we feel on the issues, let’s elect quality people who can govern, and want to do the difficult work of governing. As voters, our goal should be to elect a Congress that we can give an approval rating above 20%.  If we elect quality and qualified people to represent us, they will know how to help us sort out the issues.

Remember, when we step into the voting booth in November, lets vote for people who are problem solvers and action oriented, detail minded and pragmatic, consensus and team builders, trustworthy and credible, and service minded and unselfish.

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.  

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Elephant in the Room

Last week, and again this week, while people have flooded across our southern border, as the conflict between Israel and Hamas has grown in intensity, and ML-17 was shot down over eastern Ukraine, President Obama has had a flood of his own.  He’s attended multiple and numerous fundraisers to raise millions of dollars for the Democratic Party.  

Now, the news outlets have started to focus on the “optics” of how it looks for the President to raise so much money for his party at a time when so many things need his attention.  Of course, he’s not the first President to do this type of thing.  Similar questions were asked when President Bush was slow in visiting the site after Hurricane Katrina.

The commentators and pundits all express different thoughts on whether the President should be in Washington DC to run and respond to the world events of the day.  They ask, “with modern day communications, does the President’s location matter?”  Maybe it does, and maybe it doesn’t. I believe the important point is something else.  It’s not Democrat or Republican.  It’s not partisan at all.

The “elephant in the room” is the damage that money is doing to our American democracy.  The good news is that we voters can “cure” this ailment with our votes.  Let’s practice using “Voting Alert  Beacon #5:  The Money.”  

Below, I’ve copied in the Beacon and add some comments.

Beacon #5: THE MONEY

DO vote for candidates who accept and receive contributions from individual citizens.

[Comment:  The fundraisers that President Obama has been attending recently require attendees to pay in the “ballpark”  of $10,000 per plate.  Any person who pays that amount becomes a “stand-alone” special interest group.  Or, at the very least, everyone attending that kind event is forming a de facto PAC for the evening by their contribution and presence.  In fact, these dinner events are sometimes sponsored by special interest groups or PACs.]

DON'T vote for candidates that receive and accept money from PACs, Unions, Businesses, etc.

[Comment:  This speaks for itself.  Go to the Federal Election Committee link on the right side of this blog and check to see which candidates take large amounts from “non” individuals or special interest groups.  You won’t be surprised to see most often the incumbents are the most guilty.]

Vote for candidates with the smallest average contribution from individual citizens.

[Comment:  Again, take a look at the Federal Election Committee link on the right side of this blog.  You can see how much money individuals are contributing to each candidate.  Then, divide the total dollar amount by the number of contributors.   Using “Beacon #5:  The Money,” vote for the candidate with the smallest average individual contributor amount.]

We can take the improper money and resulting influence out of our government by using our vote effectively.

[CommentFolks, we voters are the only ones who can get this done.  I believe we can do it and that we will.  So, let’s get started!]

Spread the word!  Tell your friends about the Voting Alert Beacons!

. . .  remember that America’s best days aren’t behind her.   America’s best days are ahead of her.  They always have been and always will be.


Copyright © 2014 by David William Wygant. All rights reserved.